Tamoxifen and anxiety

I have been on tamoxifen for four and a half years now and although I have had joint pain and feel like a 90 year old the anxiety is harder to deal with. In the beginning I woke every morning with a start, like an adrenaline rush, this has slowly changed to waking up to an overwhelming feeling a dread in the pit of my stomach, a worrying but irrational fear, I really having nothing to worry about. As I go about my day the feeling subsides, but I still am not my usual self. I am not depressed, I have a pretty good life and do not worry unduly that the cancer will return. But I would like to know if anyone else experiences this? Can anyone tell me if these feelings will go when I finish taking the tamoxifen? I would welcome any feed back.

Hello AnniK

Whilst waiting for replies to your post maybe you would like to give our free helpline a call where the staff can offer practical information as well as emotional support. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes

June, moderator