Tamoxifen and bone pain

Hiya all,

I have been on tamoxifen for 14 months now,the sleepness nights and hot flushs are getting better but have noticed my bones ache,my fingers and feet in the morning are quite painful,my neck and ribs also ache.
I have already got a bit of arthritus in my back and knees,so this may be connected,I feel like a 70 yr old instead of 47 yr
Any one else had these symptoms?
Thank you
Jackie xxxxx

Hi Finn,

I have only been taking tamoxifen for a month but I have bone pain which is worse in the morning or after I have been sitting down for a while. My onc thinks it is oestogen deprivation. The way she explained it was that when the oestrogen is flowing (premenopausal) it keeps your joints supple, then when you’re body is starved of it, they cease up a little. Supposedly, it should get better over time as the body readjusts to the lack of oestrogen but you must be really fed up with it now. My onc has suggestedd glucosamine and codliver oil if it doesn’t improve. Maybe something to consider and discuss with Onc/BCN?
I hope it improves for you


Hi Finn,
I had what I called ‘Tamoxifen Tail’ for about five months (I’ve been on it for seven now) whereby my coccyx got very painful, especially in the oesetrogen dip week, and also I found if I sat for a long time my lower back ached. At the moment, having changed brands (not by request) it is better though I did notice some stiffness in the equivalent week. Although I have no periods since chemo, I do still sense peaks and troughs in my hormone levels (I’m 48).

There are a few, mostly older, threads on here about Tamoxifen and bone/joint pain. I was anxious when mine began and spoke to onc and BCN but was assured it was the ‘wrong sort of pain’ and it has, seemingly disappeared, at least for now.

Don’t be afraid to mention it to the professionals - it’s their job to determine the cuase of any aches and pains.