tamoxifen and cramp

tamoxifen and cramp

tamoxifen and cramp Since I’ve been taking tamoxifen I’ve noticed I get terrible cramp in my feet and toes, especially at night.

This isn’t listed as an “official” side effect but I’m sure it’s related to the tamoxifen. Has anyone else experienced this?


Cramp Yes, Ive been taking Tamoxifen for 6 months and I get cramp in my toes at night, not every night and only on the R foot-- same side as surgery!!-- havent got a cure for it, but it does go off if I wiggle my foot.
Just another problem to add to our disturbed nights!

Likewise The answer is yes I get cramps in my feet, I never thought about it before but like chrismcq mostly in the side where I had surgery.

It always seems worse at night, but then everything seems worse at night no matter what the problem.

Best wishes


Me 2 Hi

I also get night cramps since being on tamoxifen and have found sleeping with a pillow under my knees helps. hope this works for you!!

Janet x

Me 3 I have been driven mad with cramps in my feet. Oddly enough also usually on the side i had surgery on and even weirder usually on a Thursday night!!! I find bathing my feet in warm water helps.

Me 4 Thought it was only me cos when I mentioned it to the docs they looked at me like it was in my imagination!! Always seems to kick in when I’m in a deep sleep and drives me crazy!!

thanks everyone Not just me then! Funnily enough, now you mention it, mine is mostly my surgery side too, how weird is that?

I wonder why it happens though? Especially as the docs seem so keen to dismiss it - it means they don’t really know!!

Thankfully it doesn’t happen every night, but it’s flippin’ painful when it does.

Thank goodness someone has mentioned cramps! I was beginning to think it was only me. Either that or something was amiss (our first thought when we get unexplained symptoms of course!).

I’m not on Tamoxifen but Arimidex and get cramps in my toes, feet and calves at night. Not every night but about every few days. It’s really annoying as I’ll be asleep and suddenly wake up to find my leg or foot twisted and painful. I hate having to stretch the muscle as it causes the pain to get worse for a couple of seconds. It’s always when I’m having a nice sleep. Darned thing!


tamoxifen and cramps Over the past 5 nights I have been awoken on 3 nights with bad cramps in my right leg and left foot and not at all sure what is causing it. So on searching on this site have found these postings. I am on Tamoxifen and have been since November, do you guys all think its related to that then, the side effects do say pains in limbs but not the words cramp. I have spent all of today with pain in my right leg not full cramp but feels like the start of it again so am a bit worried
Thanks for all your words out there when you are stuck in a small country village in beautiful scotland you do think you are on your own so thank goodness for this site.
Fiona xXx

Leg cramps at night I have started having very sudden and painful cramps in my right leg calf muscle during the night. I have not had this before. I wake up in a 0-60 kind of way and have to arch my foot back to make it go away. Not easy when still asleep really.

I note that others mention this. I wondered if it was caused by the Tamoxifen or the Simvastatin (for cholestrol) which I take though I have not had any problems with the latter over the last year. I have been taking Tamoxifen for three months. Could it be a drug inter-reaction?

What causes leg cramps?

Any similar experiences anyone?