Tamoxifen and itchy skin

Hi I started taking tamoxifen about 4 weeks ago and only in the last two weeks patches of my skin has become very sensitive and itchy. I’m using E45 cream but just wondered if anyone else has had problems and got any advice please lv Clair

Hi, you might need to use a soap substitute and a different moisturiser. It would be best to see your GP because what you’re describing could  be eczema. I listened to a radio program once about dry skin/eczema where the doctor being interviewed said that most people underestimate how much moisturiser they need to contol their condition. Have you tried aqueous cream? It’s cheap and effective for many people.


By the way,the E45 cream I tired once contained lanolin and I reacted badly to it


Best wishes.

Hello Flint I’ve always had sensitive skin and I’m really careful what I use but it everything seems even more sensitive at the moment, I’ll definitely go and see my gp and see what he says. I’ve had dipbrobase in the past so I’ll ask about that again. I suppose it could just be the change in weather as well lv Clair

Hi Flint


im not on Tamoxifen but Anastrosole and the past few days have had very itchy skin. I’ve been using tea tree body lotion which I had and it seems to calm it a bit. 

Hi, I saw my Dr and he said it’s a side effect of tamoxifen and as I have sensitive skin anyway it doesn’t help I’ve got diprobase cream which is really helping and it should settle down in a few months.