Tamoxifen and nausea?

Hi all,

its me again with another question!!! I started Tamoxifen a 11 days ago and although I have not yet had any side effects as such (I’m sure it’ll catch up with me!) I have felt quite nauseous at times. I looked at the leaflet I ordered from this site about Tamoxifen and also read the bump that comes in the packet and I am now convinced it is due to this.

Has anyone else experienced nausea upon first taking Tamoxifen? If you have, does it take long 'til your body gets used to the drug and the nausea subsides?


Take care,


Hi Kelly

I always take mine after my evening meal, as I had heard it can make you feel sick. Even when I go out to a restaurant I take it after the meal. I did once take it on an empty stomach and it made me feel a bit nauseous. I only get hot sweats in the early morning, not long before I am due to wake up anyway, so that isn’t too bad! Julie.

Hi Kelly

I take mine after my breakfast when I would take my vitamin pills. I tried it on a night but either forgot or found that I was having really weird dreams and night sweats. To be honest, I don’t think it makes any difference when you take it but I would eat something first. I occasionally experience a bit of nausea and have sometimes thought I was going to be sick but it goes as quickly as it comes. I have found that, having taken it for a year, I am starting to feel much better.


Hi Debbie & Julie,

many thanks for your replies, much appreciated. Funnily enough, this past couple of days I haven’t had any nausea as such, so fingers crossed. I think I’ll make sure I eat something or at least have a glass of milk each time I take it from now on,

Thanks again, take care,
