Does anyone know whether you can take sea sickness tablets with Tamoxifen? I am thinking of going on a cruise in February and there is no way I can sail without anti-sickness tablets. Has anyone else tried?
Does anyone know whether you can take sea sickness tablets with Tamoxifen? I am thinking of going on a cruise in February and there is no way I can sail without anti-sickness tablets. Has anyone else tried?
hi there,
just a thought, when i was in the pharmacy the other day the pharmacist asked if there was any other medication that i was taking, I told him Tamoxifen and he looked it up on his computer and said yes it was ok, perhaps you could do the same.
Im quite sure that they will be ok as my onc hasnt told me any do’s or donts with these tablets, I take nytol and usually take it an hour after ive taken my Tamoxifen.
Anyway, have a lovely holiday
Thanks Tracey
I asked a pharmasist in Jersey if it was ok for travel sick pill while on Tam and she said absolutly fine.
Thanks Pineapple. That’s great news. Julie.