Tamoxifen and the ‘lady bits’!
Tamoxifen and the ‘lady bits’! Sorry to ask this as is embarassing and up front and I know I don’t know anyone here - but I figured if you want an answer, ask people who have experience rather than being sidelined by nurses and doctors (not much faith in mine - can you tell)
Anyway - can anyone tell me if they have had thrush like symptoms - or even thrush itself as a result of tamoxifen. I have been on it for around 7 weeks and it feels like thrush came on about yesterday - but the doctor said this is not a normal symptom. ‘Try canestan and come back tuesday if still feeling the same.’ Guess he wanted easter off eh!. Symptoms - some discharge, soreness, slight stinging when peeing has followed two weeks of my hubby saying that he gets sore after we make love??? Have been told this is probably due to vaginal dryness - but it doesn’t feel ‘dry’ or sore when in the act. Now I know I have probably just described some of the normal side effects of taxoxifen - but if these are normal and to continue - how do you cope? Does anyone have a magical cures or ways of easing the discomfort (have been told about KY - gee that sounds like fun).
Sorry again but wanted to see what you guys thought before I go back to the surgery on Tuesday.
Hi Cath,
there is a product called “Replens” which can be bought in Boots (£10) or I believe you can get a prescription for it from your g.p. It basically keeps the vagina moist and healthy ! I have been using it now for over a year and would say it works, certainly not like I was before but better than nothing.
Worth a try
thrush your husband may be suffering from thrush too, so he needs to use the canesten cream as well - at least that would be my advice
I am on Tamoxifen, and I get soreness and a feeling like cysitis although it’s not cystitis just a dull ache…I also get a discharge.
My main problem with the drug as I have said befoe is severe bone pain, the doctor said it’s sciatica aggravated by Tomoxifen, at times every bone in my body aches
Hugs Val.
Thanks for the advice - will go get checked out on Tuesday but have a feeling is not actually thrush as the canneston has not really made a difference. Obviously if the results say different I will get hubby to get checked out as well !
Will ask about the replens (??) many thanks all
Cath x
Me too Hi Cath
Had same problem too - and we are not alone. Please see my posting under the Living with BC section, page 6 (I think) called vaginal dryness and painful sex - I got a lot of useful information from other users so hope this helps you too.
Tamoxifen changes the pH of the vagina so one is more likely to develop thrush (time and time again - even if your partner has no symptoms. Secondly, tamoxifen can mimic some of the signs and symptoms of thrush ie discharge, itching, soreness - I even tested negative for thrush but probably had it!)
Not to BCC: I keep coming across this sort of problem/question - do you think it would be useful to have a to 5 or top 10 postings category so that all the same subject is kept in the same place? Might be hard to set up I know!
I to had the same proble, after many post on here i went to see my GP who gladly gave me Replens cream, i used this for a few months and things did get better, also now after sex i tend to put canasten cream on, this stops me being sore the morning after, the KY jelly is really good to, helps with the dryness, hope this helps
Good Luck
Tamoxifen and thrush Hi Cath
I had thrush twice badly when I was on tamoxifen and was told it was one of the features of taking that drug. Canesten fixes it well - take the oral capsule plus cream, which you can buy over the counter, and make sure your husband uses the cream; and no sex until you are both fixed!
Good luck
Thrush Hi . I just noticed your heading and I thought I’d let you know that I have been on Tamoxifen also for a couple of months and now have Thrush so it seems it could be a side effect (I had previously put it down to being on antibiotics). Canesten works wonders though
hi - yes I developed thrush at the very start of taking Tamoxifen. Went to GPs and he gave me the oral tablet - which cleared it up, and fingers crossed it hasn’t come back - that was some 4 months ago. But have the other dreaded side effects of Tamoxifen to put up with now - hot flushes, aches all over etc., feel like a 80 year old some days! Hope the thrush clears up for you.
Luv Jean