does anyone have problems with their legs on tamoxifen? I get bad cramp in the night in my feet and calves but worse is the twitching. It is like having a tic in my calf and is getting worse. I am not sure if it’s a muscle or something to do with circulation!! Do i need to see doctor - i am going mad!
I too had restless legs and terrible itching all over my body when I first started taking Tamoxifen in Jan 08. That all disappeared after a few weeks but has recently come back again. Drives me mad! Some mornings I wake up and have literally ripped the skin off my legs during the night! So no, you’re not going mad jewjew!
I took tamoxifen for 7 months and had terrible side effects which I couldnt cope with (feeling desperately ill every day)
I have taken a break from it for the last 6 weks and feel so… much better!!
I too had terrible cramp in my legs at night and this now seems to have settled down.
Saw con on Friday and it looks like Zoladex is the next move any thoughts for side effects on this?
Kay x
Hi there,
I have been on tamoxifen for over 3 years and get regularly cramps in my feet. They are v painful and usually occur at night just as i am getting into bed. Apparently a bar of soap in the bed helps cramps - haven’t a clue how this possibly works and I’m a scientist! I also get restless and itchy legs but have sort of got used to that now.
I was on zoladex for a few months and found the joint pain (especially in my knees) was much worse than on tamoxifen.
I have been on Tamoxifen for 16 montha and get cramps most nights amongst other side effects, hair loss, nausea and headaches. I think its all par for the course and we basically have to get usedto it unless we have severe reactions
Never mind only 3 more years
I used to get very twitchy legs, cramp alot and almost every night restless legs. I an now on Femara and dont get any of them.