Tamoxifen and vaginal dryness

Please has anyone tips for dryness “down below”  I have dryness, itching, burning and feeling swollen.  I have tried Yes which has helped the most applying it several times a day.  Sylk helped a bit and I am now wondering if Replens is making me itchy after using it because each time I have used this the itching/soreness is more noticeable so then use Canestan.  It just seems a vicious circle  Is there anything you can use to “lock in” the moisuriser on a daily basis?  I noticed some one mentioned coconut oil so will buy some.  It just doesn’t seem fair to come through breast cancer and now have this to deal with.  Feeling so fed up. 

Just a quick reply as about to eat dinner, but Replens made me itchy sore and uncomfortable and it has sort of white blobs in it! Hard to describe but I thought it was rubbish. There seems to be two approaches - vaginal moisturisers and vaginal lubricants. Replens advertises itself as a moisturiser you use every couple if days but it isn’t very effective. There are several threads on this topic farther down the board - no time to find the link just now but there are other vaginal moisturisers which can help. It’s a case of trial and error. I use one I first found in Crete called Eva and now get it shipped out to be via a Greek pharmacy company! It doesn’t itch or burn like Replens. I also use Yes for sex. I use the water based Yes but others swear by the oil based. There is another lubricant I have that I read about on this board but can’t recall the name (I will look it up & let you know). This cancer lark us a nightmare. I have put on 2 stone during chemo and just had my radio booking in appointment and been told I can’t lose weight as all the tattooed dots won’t line up! Yet the radiologist told me last week that I must lose the weight before my reconstruction. If I lose the weight after the recon I will have one boob bigger than the other as the false boob will stay the same and the natural boob will get smaller! All very depressing really - the whole thing is like an awful dream you keep thinking will come to an end but just seems to get worse! I’m also starting Letrozole in 2 days time which will probably make my vagina shrivel up even more and I’ll need industrial sized lubricants! Goodness knows what Letrazole will do to my joints as it seems to cause many people quite a lot of side effects. Gosh this post ended up quite long in the end. Just wanted to say, don’t despair you are not alone my friend
Baz x

Thank you for the reply Bazookas.  I have just read your previous post back in October 2015 recommending Eva and Pjur so will give those a try.  That is exactly how Replens makes me feel so will stop using that now. Probably been aggravating the situation! I am at the stage of asking to try an oestrogen cream but my BC was hormone positive.  Going on holiday in 3 weeks so would like to find something that helps before then.  Hope your rads goes smoothly;  lather on the aqueous cream. Is there time to try and lose some weight between rads and reconstruction?  You have enough to contend with without worrying about your weight - it is just not fair.  Thanks again for the reply.  Take care.xx