Help ladies. have been on the dreaded tam now for almost 18 months. have usual se’s including hot flushes, joint pains etc but these are made even worse because of over 2 stone in weight. This tires me and makes normal everyday things harder. I have had to buy clothes at least 2 sizes up and just feel like a beached whale. im due for recon soon and am worried because my good breast has become so much bigger and it is not the size that i would want the reconstructed side to be. please tell me your experiences with weight gain and or reconstruction
Sorry your feeling down and I identify with the terrible weight gain! The only way that I have managed to lose weight is to concentrate on eating rather than not eating. I eat breakfast, snack, lunch, tea, and nothing after 7pm. I have been on Tamoxifen for just over 2 years and the only thing is to exercise and eat small portions.
I have found that walking quickly with my ipod on and listening to inspirational speakers or suitable music - something with a beat - from Motown, R&B to proclaimers lol just anything to get you going. I also listen to Tony Robbins who puts things in perspective - why we put on wait etc., we dont diet successfully because we let our emotions get in the way - sad, grab a cookie, happy, grab a cookie as reward! lol crazy but hey there is only one way to lose weight and that is to eat less and exercise - try doing the walking around the block to start - then go further and you can check how far to go by using google maps and plot directions and it will tell you how far. Keep a chart and see how it works for you - be prepared as it does tire you out for a good nights sleep!
I eat nothing processed and drink tea and cooled boiled water. Nothing in plastic.
It isnt easy to do and all I can say is I still try although I dont want to be 10 but would like to float between 12 and 14 so you can see I struggle too but at least I am on the winning side.
We dont do what we know can hurt us and this isnt going to hurt just benefit.
I am sorry for the waffle but please dont give up trying - there are quick fix that fall flat - find what suits you and stick to it getting ready for the long term way of life rather than a diet.
Wishing you all the best
God bless