I had a mastectomy in October 2007 and I didn’t need any chemotherapy or radiotherapy. I started taking 20mg Tamoxifen three weeks ago. I was expecting horrendous side effects but I have tolerated it well (so far!). Last week I had a couple of glasses of wine and I felt quite sick afterwards then queasy the next day. Last Monday I had a couple of glasses of wine and the same thing happened. I had like a “chemical” taste in my mouth both times. Has this happened to anyone else? Please don’t tell me I can’t even enjoy a glass of wine now - especially with Christmas coming up!
Hi Maude
I must admit to being “off” alcohol just now - started nolvadex in September. It was a taxotere that put me off though - I had ONE drink a week after chemo and was sick as a dog, which kind of scared me off! I can drink though, just don’t seem to particularly want to (but it’s my work Christmas night out tomorrow and can’t guarantee sobriety after that!).
Hopefully it’ll just be until your body settles to it. Are you on generic tamoxifen or nolvadex? If you don’t settle to it - consider changing brands.
All the best and I hope you can have many glasses of wine by Christmas!
Hi Maude and Sue
I am on Nolvadex ( dx Oct 2006 ). I occasionally feel sick but can’t say that wine is the cause. I think it might be coincidence with you although I am never very good on red wine. I drink white occasionally and have a small glass of sherry most days as it makes me feel better. I have tried ( unsuccessfully ) to wean myself off anti depressants but after 3 days always end up crying uncontrollably and itching all over my body. I think whatever you fancy does you good. Hope you had a good night out Sue
I am on Tamoxifen and find that i used to get side affects ( i still get the odd one here and there ! but not as bad as before) so i take mine just before i go to bed so i sleep through the sickness … i also have a glass of wine each night with dinner … x
Hi everyone, thanks for your replies. I had a small glass of white wine at the weekend and I only felt a little bit queasy so maybe I am getting used to the Tamoxifen.
What is the difference between Tamoxifen and Nolvadex (pardon my ignorance)? I have just checked mine and they just say “Tamoxifen” on the box.
Maude xx
Nolvadex is the brand name; tamoxifen is the generic drug. It’s a bit like the difference between Nurofen & ibuprofen (or Hoover & vacuum cleaner).
i was just about to start a new post asking if anyone else was drinking during treatment and was so relieved to find this already posted!! thanks maude!
i’m 34, had mastectomy 2 weeks ago and awaiting radiother. have been started on tamoxifen even though oest recept result not yet back.
have been beating myself up that my wine habit (at least 1 large glass/night for many yrs except during pregnancy/breast feeding) might have been the cause of my BC but everyone else thinks it’s genetic.
comforting to know there are others out there enjoying a few! have also felt queasy with tamox and so take it at night- good solution.
(if anyone lives near west didsbury/ christie hospital, and fancies going for a drink let me know!!!)
i have been taking tamoxifen for 2 1/2 years and i dont have such bad hangovers as i did pre tamoxifen… had never really thought about a connection before till i read this i just figured it was to do with age and getting older changes our tolerances to things.