Tamoxifen & Gastric Symptoms

Hi all,

I’ve been on tamoxifen for 5 months following my mastectomy and radiotherapy.

I’ve mostly fared well on the tamoxifen and haven’t had any of the hot flushes I was so worried about. But, it gives me the worst gastric symptoms. Every night I am plagued with the worst wind, my stomach literally starts bubbling. It’s doesn’t seem to matter what I eat! It’s so uncomfortable never mind embarrassing.

I’m 43 and have no other health problems. And have never experienced anything like this! It’s comedically bad.

Had anyone had this problem and found a solution to it? I’m desperate!

Rach x


Oh, I really feel you.
This happens to me as well, but I had digestive issues before BC so I can’t really say it is tamoxifen.
Let’s see if some other member have a suggestion to alleviate this.

Thank you @mlen it’s the worst isn’t it? Do you mind me asking how you manage your symptoms?

My GP thinks it might be a reaction to one of the ingredients in the tamoxifen tablets themselves, so she has given me a prescription for liquid tamoxifen to see if that helps.

I also found a packet of a different brand (RhelonChem) and this side effect doesn’t seem to be as bad on this brand. So for now I’m going to be avoiding the Tillomed brand!


Hello Rach09.
I wish the new tamoxifen brand keeps helping you feel better.
Please le me know how you feel about the liquid version as well.
I had digestive issues before BC so kind of used to live with it. Although I have not been constipated since diagnose, which is probably the longest period of feeling OK since many years.