Tamoxifen, Letrozole, Exemestane etc - joint pain SEs?

I’m now on my third hormonal treatment and all have given me joint pain (and made me walk around like an 80 year old). Is there any reasonably effective treatment - painkiller, complementary therapy etc - that might help relieve the aches? I take paracetemol or ibuprofen at night. The nurses in my oncology unit have suggested acupuncture. Has anyone tried this?

Or do I just have to put up with it as the alternative might be something worse?



Popped over to the hormone therapy board and found lots of suggestions. One item I already had at home in large amounts - tonic water. A small glass a day is supposed to be very helpful (no indication on whether gin should accompany!)
Other recommendations include Omega 3 oil, star flower oil, glucosamine and magnesium as well as keeping well hydrated to reduce cramps. Trip to Holland & Barrett seems likely.

Dear Elily, I know what you mean walking round like an 80 year old. I am like that most mornings before I loosen up. I am on a cocktail of painkillers, Paracetamol, MST Continuous morphine, Orapmorph, Ibuprofen and others to help me get by. Acupuncture was suggested to me too but I just cant face the thought of all those needles going into me but some do swear by it. You should not have to put up with the pain, your Oncologist or Breast Care Nurse should be able to help you here. Let us know how you get on. Ask if you are eligible for complimentary massages as I was through Sue Ryder at the Duchess of Kent in Reading and it made such a difference. Cookie17