Hi I was diagnosed in 2009 with grade 2 BC. After radiotherapy the prescribed me Tamoxifen in tablet form which i took for just over a year but the side effect were so severe that my Onc decided that i should change to a liquid form. For 4month the liquid Tamoxifen was really great no side effect, weight was slowly coming off and then suddenly the chemist changed the packaging and for some reason the side effects are dreadful - i sleep for only 4 hours a night if i’m lucky and the itching has come back that if i don’t take anti histamines i would never stop itching plus the weight is slowly creeping up again! I was told by the Onc when i was on the tablet form that the ingredients can changed depending on the manufacturers. I told this to the chemist that supplied the Soltamox (liquid Tamoxifen) that this was not the case but he cannot account why i should get the side effects now. Has anyone been in the same situation with the Soltamox and if so, do you think i should persevere and hope it calms down or should i stop. Thanks Shirley x
Hello lol1968
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June, moderator
Hi Shirley , i have had problems with the tablet form so i came off for 6 weeks and when i went back on it was fine for about 6 months , slowly side effects have come back , but have realised half off them are due to having enforced menapause . maybe have a small break then try again ? good luck x