Tamoxifen modified dose

Has anyone had any experience of their oncologist lowering their dose of Tamoxifen to control side effects? I’m petitie with a BMI about 18 and wondering if the standard dose is too much as it’s causing my ovaries to massively over stimulate. I saw the gynaecologist and he suggested a hysterectomy which seems EXTREME and I wondered if lowering the dose would still give some protection but less ovary stimulation.

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Hi there…I was experiencing side effects that I was not willing to tolerate while I was at 20 mg of Tamoxifen. My oncologists first response was to put me on another drug to combat the side effect which I refused. I asked her about lowering my dosage and that was agreed upon. This was 2 years ago…After lowering my dosage by 5 mg, I felt so much better. Fast forward to a year ago and started to see a new oncologist here in South Carolina. He advised that there have been studies that show that a 5 mg dosage has the same effect as 20 mg. Now I am down to 5 mg daily and have no side effects at all. Please advocate for yourself and ask for a lower dosage before you agree to something so extreme. Good luck.