Tamoxifen & mood swings ect

Hey so ive been on tamoxifen for about 5 years. I’ve noticed in the last few months more side effects. My mood which can change dramatically fast, seems to be getting worse. I get upset or angry over the littlest of things. Which results me shouting at my partner even if I’m annoyed at myself. I keep apologise but feel awful for it. He is understanding. Just dont know how to calm my mood. Wondering if anyone else is having mood swing side effects?
Also if anyone got more side effects after 5 yrs?
I’ve noticed also i get tired easily & some days want to sleep all the time.


Hi @mirkwood42_1

I’m sorry to hear you’re experiencing side effects like this. Please know that our nurses are always here for a chat if you have any worries on 0808 800 6000.

Sending our warmest,

Do you know if you’re going to stay on Tamoxifen? My experience goes back a few years so it might be different now. I thought Tamoxifen was only prescribed for 5 years? I then went on to Letrozole for a further years and that was easier to tolerate.

Hey thanks for those thoughts. I’m going to book a doctors appointment and ask about that ive been on for 5 years. They were thinking 10 years when i started but said could reveiw it in 5yrs time. I’ll ask about alternatives, good idea.

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