Tamoxifen - morning or evening?

I’m about to start taking Tamoxifen and wondered if its best to take before bed or first thing in the morning? Does it make a difference at all?
I have started taking Starflower Oil already to try and combat the hot flushes. I hope this is safe as I haven’t discussed it with my Onc.

Hi Buzzy

I take mine in the morning but only because that is when I take my vits etc. no-one has said anything to me either way.

I also take Evening Primrose Oil & Starflower oil each morning, I think this is OK now all treatment is over, can’t remember if I OK’d this with the Onc team but probably did!

Just waiting for all the SEs to kick in!

DaisyGirl xx

Hi Buzzy,
I started off taking mine in the evening but after a while got a bit hyper so switched to mornings-might as well be hyper during the day.

Good Luck

Hi Buzzy,
I take mine in the evening as I figure it might mean I have the worst hot flushes during the night rather than at work when it can be quite embarrassing if I’m in meetings or talking in front of a group of people. I’ve also been taking EPO for a few weeks now but I have to say it hasn’t made any difference so far.

I wake up 3-4 times through the night with hot flushes but am able to get back to sleep quite quickly so I’ve learnt to live with it.HTH.


I was told by onc to take my’n in the evening as you wont feel the side effects while sleeping so night time it is for me.

I take mine in the morning, I don’t usually suffer any hot flushes during the day, but occasionally suddenly feel too warm. I get 2 to 4 hot sweats most nights, but not the dreadful ones that some people describe, only quite mild.

i am the only one to admit that i might be too p***** to remember to take it in the evening? i take my thyroid stuff in the morning, so i can put these in the same place and take them too

Thanks everyone. I started taking them this morning. I thought I was more likely to remember them if I left them near the kettle as I can’t do anything in the morning til I’ve had a cuppa!
Just waiting for those lovely side effects to kick in now.
Only another 1826 days of taking them to go!