Tamoxifen--Period from hell !!! Is this normal?


I started taking Tamoxifen on 10th Feb, prior to this my periods were always quite light & every 23-25 days.

However since then, I had one normal period in Feb although 29 days from my last one, but this month I went 34 days & am suffering quite badly.

I just want to know if this is normal as only been on Tamoxifen for 8 weeks, I am having to wear a tampon & sanitary towel & changing every 2 hours due to flooding also have really bad pain in lower tummmy.

Has anyone else suffered the same thing & will this continue each month?

Thanks for any help or advice.

Hi Susan

If you give the helpline here a ring the staff will be able to talk to you about this. The lines are open now until 5pm (M-F 9-5 & Sat 9-2), calls are free, 0808 800 6000

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

My first period after tamoxifen was totally hideous. So painful too. They arent as heavy 4 mths down the line but they are more painful than before but nothing major.

give it time i guess

Hi Susan,

I had the same, horrendous period, flooding, pain. My Onc. gave me a pelvic scan, which was fine. Why not ring your BCN?

Kat x

Hi Susan,

My period came back after 3 months of Tamoxifen. I didn’t know whether it’s because I haven’t had it for so long or what (stop after 2nd months of chemo). It was really heavy and painful. I mentioned it to my onc. Because of other complicated reasons as well, he’s going to add another hormonal drug called Zoladex to try and stop my period.

You might want to mention it to your onc / BCN, too.

Take care x

I had 2 ‘Tarantino’ periods when I started Tx too after my periods were stopped by chemo. Went to GP, referred to gynae, everything OK.

From the research I did at the time it happened to me, it seems that it’s quite common and is your body getting used to the drug and having a jolly old clearout (just what we all need!!).

After my 2 horrendous periods they stopped completely and luckily I haven’t had any since (I’m pre-men and 45).

It’s probably sensible to get checked out with your GP/BCN just in case, but from what I’ve read on here in the past it’s not nice but quite normal.

Bella x

Hi Susan
Similar to Bella:
I started Tamoxifen in September 2009 and had regular and very heavy periods from starting it until last month. Prior to this, I always had fairly normal periods, but Tamoxifen gave me flooding to such an extent that I would have one day per month where i was loathe to go out !!
I am premeno,44 and otherwise fit and healthy.

The periods were really beginning to get on my nerves, but this month I have not had one (now 42 days since last one ), so hoping they might have gone for good ???

I read somewhere that it takes about 6 months for the body to settle down on Tamox, and this seems to be have been pretty accurate in my case.Hope you get it sorted, or it sorts itself out
Anna xx

Hi Ladies

Thanks for all your comments it always helps knowing any thing we go thru is ‘normal’ & we are not the only one. I did call the helpline on this site & had a lovely chat with them, they too explained it is quite normal & still early days as only been on tamoxifen since Feb also as I didn’t have chemo which sometimes stops periods it all new to my body.

I am much better today even feel ok to venture out !!

I have an appointment tomorrow with my BC Consultant so will be mentioning this to her. I have read up about zoladex but as I have enough side effects with tamoxifen not sure if I want any more.

Just one other thing I have been following other links re SE of tamoxifen & have been taken evening primrose oil & glucosamine, chondroitin & cod liver oil. My friend works in Boots pharmacy & has recommended a herbal remedy for flushes & night sweats, its called Sepia. Tried to start today but can’t open the pack so will wait for my hubby to come in !!! Hopefully it can help others suffering same SE’s.

Thanks again for your comments.

Hi Susan,

Glad you’re feeling a bit better.

Another alternative remedy for hot flushes you might be interested in is a Ladycare magnet (google for more info). I’ve been wearing one for 2 months and my flushes have reduced enormously and, more importantly for me, the horrendous itchy skin I had developed on Tx has gone completely.

HTH, Bella x

Bella thankyou!! Was feeling pretty sorry for myself but ‘‘Tarantino Period’’ made me burst out laughing !!!