Tamoxifen & periods

Hello! So, my periods stopped near the end of chemo in September 2023. I started Tamoxifen in November, and hoped it may have prevented my periods restarting as I had read it did for some women. This morning, however, I woke up with bad cramps and a light flow.

My question is: for premenopausal women whose periods had stopped before they started taking Tamoxifen, did your periods return and what were they like? Might mine be a one off, or as this is my first back, is it likely to be heavier/lighter than usual? Any suggestions on what to expect going forward would be great. Thanks!

Hello. I am pre menopausal and started tamoxifen in December. My period returned in January then for 2 months later but now stopped again on Tamoxifen. I have not had a period since. I am sure everyone is different but I feel like your body adjusts to the medication. I wish you all the best x

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. Im just not looking forward to painful heavy periods, and will hope they might stop again!

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I am sure they will. Stay positive :pray:t2::crossed_fingers:xx

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My periods didn’t return but my oncologist has told me to let them know if they do. I’ve moved to letrozole since and had the same ask from them again with that (to notify if periods restart). It seems I’m in a minority because I don’t recall ever seeing anyone else being told the same but might just be worth mentioning to your team though X

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