Tamoxifen to shrink tumours

I have large breast tumour and open wound and started with tamoxifen. Can anyone tell me/us if and how tamoxifen helped with Shrinkage. Been holding off for ages due to negative things I read.

Thank you

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Hi lionesselisa

I started on Tamoxifin, last year. I am stage 4 de nova. Sometimes it can shrink the tumour, which it did for me but not for long, thats only because of my type of cancer.
I am going onto another clinical trial. Unfortunately I am on my 3rd line of treatment within a year due to progression. I recently, finally got radiotherapy for my breast tumour as it had grown and broken the skin. Which has been marvellous as it has shrunk heaps.
I would ask your oncologist or nurse if you have any concerns. It might take a while for the Tamoxifin to work, but if you are in any pain with the breast tumour please ask for advice. I hope you are doing ok. Tamoxifin is a good treatment I hardly got any side effects when i was on it. Thinking of you sister 🩷

Hi lovely

Thanks for your reply. I’m same stage as you but don’t really like all the staging as I think it has a negative impact on our mindsets and ultimately loads of people recover from this stage as much as any other. For me it is important to ‘delve deep’ and look at our lifestyles and see what we can change.

I also follow a lot of mind-body stuff and not all modalities believe in metastasis theory, it’s more about new shocks - & that all cancers begin with certain types of biological shocks depending on the area. So a ductal breast cancer is a ‘separation loss’ in healing and glandular breast lumps are about a nest-worry/territory issue in healing. When we get the lumps we have already made some resolution…….I wonder if other women can relate to this?

Unfortunately for us when we get to hear those first words ‘you have Cancer’ it sets off new shocks, i.e., lungs are connected to a death fright, skin is a self devaluation/disfigurement conflict, lymph up is a self devaluation, bone metastasis’ a deeper self devaluation etc

I had my second lump arrival/ diagnosis 2.5 yrs ago and am only just using treatment now as it’s got too ugly and the pain is up and down and I’ve had enough waiting. I think there is a place and time for everything. However it has to feel right to us too.

What cancer is yours Cheryl? Mine is ductal, ER Positive 8, HER 2 negative and my oncologist said I should respond well to shrinking with the drugs etc. let’s see……

I am wishing you all the best going forward and sending you love sister!
L x