Tamoxifen - to take or not?

Hi ladies, 

I was just wondering what are your  thoughts on not taking tamoxifen because of the side effects? It was 21st July 11 weeks ago since I had my mastectomy and I have tried to take tamoxifen on two seperate occasions and had to stop because of really bad moods and state of mind.Horrendous flushes ,8 in an hour every hour and chills inbetween flushes and night sweats I am totally exhausted and hair thinning. The thing is I am 48 years old and perimenapause so my surgeon said that I am getting bad side effects it’s like putting fuel on the fire taking tamoxifen when you arn’t actually in the menapause . Just had bloods done to determine wether I am in menapause or not, then getting results on Wednesday 14th .  I feel like I have had enough of the side effects and feel like I am determined that am not going to try it again . But I am not protected then am I ? What to do ? I am so fed up with being told what to do and I feel like I want to be in control now ? Any thoughts ? 


Hiya, I’ve been on Tamoxifen for 6 months now and rarely have a hot flush, my biggest  issue is aching especially in one ankle where I have an old injury, I take the antidepressent Venlafaxine as well as suggested by my surgeon as they help with SE, my periods have slowed up to every couple of months since I started taking them but I’m still very much pre menopause, all in all I think I’m getting off lightly with them compared to many others so I will keep going but with only a few % Extra protection I’m sure I would think twice if I was really suffering Xx Jo 

Hi ,it may be worth trying a different brand of tamoxifen as some seem to have much worse side effects ,particularly when it comes to mood than others. It’s a terrible dilemma as you are balancing quality of life v possible prevention of reoccurrence .


Thanks for your thoughts . I have been off my tamoxifen for 3 weeks now and i am sill getting hot flushes on and off throughout the hour every hour. before my op i never had a flush in my life . seemingly the tamoxifen stays in your system a long time after you stop taking it .I feel bad enough off it, without going back on it and getting the flushes a hundred times worse. I know its like balancing quality of life at the moment. I am seeing my surgeon on wednesday for the results of my bloods to see if my hormones are showing if i am in or not in the menapause, because he might be able to give me another drug instead of tamoxifen if iam going through  the menapause. I have bought a Ladycare magnet from Boots the chemists as it has got good reviews for hot flushes so i am giving it a try , fingers crossed . Ali x

I started taking Tamoxifen in may, felt terrible so have just had a self imposed month off. Still get the odd flush especially at night, very tired, insomnia, but better than I was!!

I have the same doubts. I am 49. I had fec-t and my period stopped after 3 chemo, 2 months ago. It might not come back and I m having hot flashes. It is like I am thrown into menopause. If this Tamoxifen is going to make things even worst I m not sure I can live like that.

All you can do is it give it a go Guiliana and see how it affects you ,some people have very few side effects.I have found my side effects have settled down to the point where I think I can live with them .Fingers crossed you are the same.