tamoxifen zoladex and feeling low

hi all. i was dx in october 2009 grade and stage 1. i have been on tamoxifen for 2 years and zoladex 1 1/2 years. for the past few months my moods are all over the place. my periods have stopped and now going through early menopause. does anyone else suffer mood swings. i never use to be like that. is it down to the medication ? how long does it take to come to terms with being dx with bc thought 2 years on i would be feeling better. any advise would be great. thanks gaynor x

Hi gaybar1969

I’m sorry to read you are having a pretty tough time at the moment. I’m sure the users of this site will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk to a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi Gaynor,
Sorry to hear that you are feeling low. I have been on tamoxifen since April 2011, and Zoladex for about the same time. I am booked in to have my ovaries removed at the end of this month. I have had some ‘ups and downs,’ but like you, I am not sure what is attributed to the meds, what is the ongoing trauma of life after a BC diagnosis, and what is just natural grouchiness! Mood swings can be a SE on Zoladex though- and I must say, I have had some very tearful patches. I do find though, that this tends to be worse when I am tired. For the most part, I feel fine, but I just don’t have the resilience that I used to.

Hope you are ok- be kind to yourself,

hi tracey. i am like you. most of the time i am ok, but then seem to hit a low . i am sure its down to the treatment.i think if my periods return after i stop the zoladex that will be the next thing for me to have my ovaries removed . i am 42 so they may return. good luck with the operation let me know thing go x gaynor

Hi Gaynor
I had Zoladex injections monthly before having them removed by keyhole surgery in January last year. I hated the mood swings that Zoladex caused. I would have three weeks each month where i felt normal then the week leading up to the next injection I would feel very tearful and low. Having ovaries removed was definately better for me. I’m 42 too. xxx

Hi Gaynor

I too was on Zoladex for a few months then because my Aunt had ovarian ca I thought that it was best that I have them out which I did about 4 months after finishing chemo, and I dont regret it.

People mentioned that because it takes you straight into the change it was bad, but I havent found that. I was going to get the symptoms anyway so at least I have the peace of mind of not worrying about my ovaries and then I was put on Arimidex which I have been on ever since - 6 1/2 years

With regard to wanting to know when things get better, my thoughts are that it takes at least 2 years before you start to get little moments when you have some peace away from ca thoughts. It does get easier please believe me, but there has to be a healing time and I found that you have to work at it.

2 years after my treatment I asked myself what really makes me tick and it shocked to me to think that I didnt know, so thats what I did. I have always loved animals and my children had grown up so I started to walk, because I felt it was my mind that needed to heal. The body automatically comes back but the mind takes a lot, lot longer especially after what we have all been through.

So now I go walking with my three Lancashire Heelers and I go miles, I sing, take my flask and some food on a long walk and even if I am stressed going into the walk, I always come home smiling and at peace!

So perhaps you could use this time to think about yourself, and I do know that there is a medical paper somewhere that was posted many years ago on this site, I think that it was called ‘What Next’ I found it very helpful.

Just be very very kind to yourself, try to move forward in tinysteps, you will get some good days and some bad, but maybe we would have had some good/bad days even without the ca?

You could always speak to your GP to see if he could help, I did think of this myself during tough times but decided against.

Much love
Debbie :)) x