Tamoxifen/Zoladex/Cold/Night Sweats

Hi everyone

Happy New Year - let’s hope 2008 treats us all better than 2008 did.

Last night, when most people were celebrating NY, I was in bed, bunged up with my cold, but I think I experienced my first real night sweat. It may have been because I have a bad cold (is there anything else I should be doing other than taking cold and flu relief and stockpiling my VitC??) It was only on my legs though, they were dripping wet with sweat! Any tips on how to combat this = much appreciated!!

J x

Hi Poannie

I was on zoladex for almost 2yrs there finished in october and I suffered horrendous night sweats, my legs would be dripping with sweat so i can sympathise with you its not pleasant. For me I would wear as little as possible in bed although sometimes I would then start shivering with the cold after a sweat !!! also I kept a fan next to my bed to try and keep the room abit cooler also. A chillow pillow as well although most nights it ended up boiling with the heat coming off me !!! Sorry I cant really offer anything more, hope you feel better x