I have been taking both Tamoxafen and Zoledax for about 5 weeks.
I have recently got really bad neck pain, went to docs gave me an xray and said that it would just be a side effect of the drugs that im on…Im not happy with this so have brought my app with onc forward.
My BC nurse said that it will also be a side effect as im so young from the hormones or lack of them in my body…and because im getting menapausal symptoms without any help! Does anyone else have this problem?
I started Tamoxifen in Nov and Zoladex in Jan, I am 36 now but was 34 when diagnosed and 35 when I started the drugs. I get so much pain sometimes that I can barely move! Honestly I am 36 goin on 86! If it sit down on the floor for too long I literally have to shuffle myself to the sofa so I have something to hold on to when I’m trying to stand up. If I go down stairs in the night I have to take one step at a time! I was very worried about this, although I knew it was a common side effect of Tamoxifen and Zoladex. My onc arranged for me to have a bone scan recently and thankfully that came back clear.
Hopefully your onc will be able to put your mind at rest but I suspect your symptoms are down to the menopause! I think there are many ladies on here who are also troubled by lots of aches and pains, I’ve no doubts you’ll get loads of posts as it drives us all mad!
Take care,
That makes me feel better, thanks kelly. Do you get neck pain at all?
Hi Mairead,
I would say I get pain everywhere to be honest! Its a nightmare but I’m not complaining if it keeps the ‘c’ away,
Just thought I’d second Kellys comments! I too feel about 180 some days despite being 32! I’ve been on Tamoxifen/ Zoladex for 19 months now and have had a sore neck since day 1. No one is worried about it - including me now and I do see a Chiropractor which has helped enormously. When I get out of bed in the morning my legs don’t work that well - my ankles and knees are so sore and the same if I sit in the one position for too long. I take high strength cod liver oil and find that helps the aches and pains, as does walking. How long are you on the cocktail for? I’m now counting down as will finish in January - it flies by!
Car x
Hi Carla
that is reassuring because I have just started experiencing bad ankle and leg pain and had a blood test for a dvt because I had a throbbing pain behind my knee. Heres hoping that it gets better. i have been on tqamoxifen for 1 year and on zoladex 4 mths. Take care marykate
Thanks everybody…I spoke to my BC nurse again and she said that as im so young she thinks that im getting all of the effects as im 23! I have another 5 years of this but i dont mind the pain its just being so paranoid that gets me!! They are going to give me a bone scan just to put my mind at ease…hoping it all goes well! Im waiting for my appointment to come through…YIKES!!!
hi mairead you are so young when were you diagnosed im 39 now but was 37 when I was diagnosed u take care mary kate
Hi Mairead,
I recently got sent for a bone scan as my aches and pains were soooooo bad. I totally convinced myself I had secondary bone cancer, particularly as I was getting terrible back pain and I knew a previous scan had shown a ‘hot spot’ on my spine.
I was terrified whilst waiting for the results! However, I’m v.pleased to say the scan showed ‘no evidence of metastatic disease in the bones’!!! I could’ve cried I tell you. So, the pain hasn’t miraculously gone away but at least I know its down to the drugsand not bone mets,
Take care and do let us know how you get on,