

Tamoxifen Has anyone (family member, not BC patient) been offered Tamoxifen? I was diagnosed last year at 45 and since my granny and her sister also had BC my sister is deemed to be at higher than normal risk. I do not have the BRCA1 / 2 genes but there is obvioulsy a bit of a family link.
My sister has been told of a trial for women like her. I have read about several such trials and it seems there is some protection given, especially for younger women (she is 43).
Has anyone got any experience of this?

Further Information Hi Judie

I have given a link below for a factsheet produced by Breast Cancer Care on the subject of Tamoxifen. This briefly refers Tamoxifen’s use as a preventative treatment.

The factsheet can either be downloaded or ordered through this website.


I hope you find this factsheet useful.

Kind regards.

Online Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi I have BRAC2 and am having preventative surgery next year.

I was told that tamoxifen and similar were not licensed for preventative use, I guess it may be down to the postcode lottery and trials etc…

L x