
i have just registered this morning. Had operation to remove small cancer ( Grade 1) on the 12 Dec 11. Started taking Tamoxifen on 29 dec 11. Have been experiencing breast pain since then although today id does feel a bit better. can anyone tell me if this is normal and how long it takes to settle down. I am hoping to start radiotherary in Feb at Edinburgh.

Hi Rupert’s Mum,
sorry you have to join us :frowning:

I am on Tamoxifen but as I had a mastectomy,albeit with reconstruction, there was no breast to experience pain, however I have seen other ladies mention it. I have changed your title so it is clearer what you are asking about - hope that’s OK - you can always change it back again.

I hope all goes well with your rads in Edinburgh - I’m in Glasgow so not so far away. There are some great central belt lasses on here if you ever want to meet up with us!

Take care

Hi Rupert’s mum

I had WLE, and did get the occasional shooting pain. I was advised that this was normal, and a sign of nerves healing. I don’t think it’s to do with Tamoxifen or I’d be still having them, and it’s almost a year since my surgery and they’re fine.

It is more likely to be linked to your recent surgery than Tam. That should reassure you that it should gradually settle down over the next few months.

Thank you for that.

Hi Ruperts mum,

Do you have far to travel in for Rads? The Edinburgh girls there are lovely. If you do need to change your times then ask the girls at the centre. They are so keen to help and I waited until I was really struggling with afternoon driving before I asked for morning sessions. They said I should have asked sooner.

Good luck with the rest of the treatment. Your breast and symptoms following surgery will continue to change for many months. After having no cording in my arm I developed it 4 months later and am back to being a bit tender again. Serves me right for being smug!

Good luck Carolyn x

sorry I havn’t replied sooner, i am 20 mins from Lockerbie by car where I can get a train to Edinburgh which takes an hour. plenty of time to get to hospital for my appointment time but might be pushing it on the way home. My treatment time most days is 1310 and if they are running to time and i get a taxi back to the station I am hoping to catch the 1415 train back home. If not then I can get a train at 1600 hrs, still be home at the latest 1730 hrs. My breast pain has now goneand i feel much better that doctor told me to take Tamoxifen at bedtime rather than in the morning. Hope all is going well with you