
My mum has just being diagnosed with BC and has been told that she will have to undergo 15 sessions of radio therapy and tamoxifen! She has been on HRT since having her ovaries removed. She had suicidal tendencies pre the HRT so dont know how she is going to cope with the medication.

Its really tough at present and I am calling her everyday to be positive but its really taking its toll cause she is so scared… I dont know what else to do… Can anyone offer me any suggestions as to what I should be saying to her

Hi Ali M,

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care Discussion Forums. It sound like you and your mum are having a really difficult time at the moment. It might help to give the BCC Helpline a call, they can offer information and emotional support. Lines will reopen on Monday morning at 9am (normal opening hours Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm) tel. 0808 800 6000.

Just in case you haven’t seen them here are links to a couple of BCC publications which may be helpful:

Radiotherapy Booklet:

Tamoxifen Booklet:

With best wishes,
Anna, BCC Facilitator

Hi Ali M,
it’s great that you are supporting your mum.

I certainly appreciated people ringing me and coming to see me - but in particular those people who could either talk about “other things” rather than just ask how I was; and those visitors who could take me places to do “stuff” - again to get the focus away from me and BC.

It is obviously difficult if you are talking everyday to find things to say - but maybe you can help in other ways e.g. by contacting her friends and encouraging them to visit if they haven’t already (many people say things like “let me know when you want me to visit” which is no good at all).

Best wishes to you and your mum