
Cheers big ears!!! Hope I get some soon too. Chemo ends in Nov. I think … so maybe then … unless get really good news before then …

I’ve only ever taken Nolvadex, so can’t say whether it’s ‘better’ than the generic as far as side-effects go. As hormone therapy was my only treatment after my mastectomy, I did a lot of research on various forums to find out what other people’s experiences of Tamoxifen were, and a large number of women did say that they found Nolvadex gave them fewer side-effects (or lessened the effects) when they swapped.

Guess you don’t know til you try!

Jacki xx

Thanks everyone. It’s funny how the subject of alcohol always gets a lot of responses! I went to the pub and was fine. I am on holiday from Friday and am hoping the side effects don’t start too soon.
