

Can anyone advise on the early side effects of Tamoxifen, when you first start taking it. I note it says you can feel sick. I have just collected my first supply and don’t want to ruin my weekend. I was wondering whether to start taking it on Sunday just in case. It may sound silly in the grand scheme of things, but I can’t see a couple of days will make a lot of difference and I may as well enjoy my weekend!


Hi Julie, i have been on them for over forty days now, i think the effects you get is really dependent on the individual, not so sure you should leave it till sunday though, the sooner your on them the better for your health but thats down to how you feel about it, i just started mine the day i got them, i do find though, that its better when i take them of a morning with some food, but that again is down to the individual. all the best, and lets hope you don’t get any side effects


Hiya Julie

I was a scaredy cat to, i was worried about putting on weight so i left it a week before taking it, but theyve had no effect on me apart from the odd little flush. I take mine with a mouthful of milk at night just before going to bed, i think the milk helps not have the possibility of a metalic taste in your mouth afterwards, well it works for me. I dont recall anyone from this site having any sickness from it.

enjoy your weekend


i do, it started when the weather was hot, last week i think, been queasy since then



Thanks for the tips. J

The only side effect I ever had was hot flushes. Good Luck and let us know how you get on.

Hi J

I experienced very, very mild and totally bearable sickness for the first few days, then it dissappeared. So far it has been the only side effect. I take mine mornings and evenings (after breakfast/dinner).

Have a nice weekend,
J 2

Hi J

I was told to take mine in the evenings to reduce any nausea etc. I had some for the first week, but never had anything after that.

Enjoy your weekend!

Jacki xx


Can I ask what brand you took or are taking. I note from previous comments that some people say that you have less side effects with Nolvadex but this is more expensive. I have been prescribed the standard Tamoxifen made by Generics UK Ltd. I would be interested to know what people’s experiences have been re side effects when taking these.




Can I ask what brand you took or are taking. I note from previous comments that some people say that you have less side effects with Nolvadex but this is more expensive. I have been prescribed the standard Tamoxifen made by Generics UK Ltd. I would be interested to know what people’s experiences have been re side effects when taking these.



hi, i was on a brand called generic for the first month, am now on one called GP to be honest i’ve felt like crap on them both, so not sure there is a difference


Thanks. Looking forward to it already! J

Hi, i can only say how i’ve been on it, not everyone gets the side effects, think they just like me!!! have you been to the “undergoing treatment tomaxifen” section, some good reading there on the subject


Thanks Alison

Yes I have had a look and that’s why I wondered whether I should have asked for a different brand. I will see how I get on and if the side effects are really bad I will ask my GP if she can prescribe Nolvadex. I may be lucky, who knows!


Hi Alison

Have just taken my first Tamoxifen. I felt like I was going to the gallows! Do you think I will be safe to go to the pub tonight! Julie.


go and enjoy yourself and have a drink for all of us who are stuck in! You’ll be fine.


oh Julie, i drink most nights, not sure if its good or bad for you, but i don’t really care to be honest lol


ha ha, same here, i dont smoke, eat chocolate or cakes but i love a glass of wine at the end of the night, and last night i had a few glasses,


Hi All

Have lots of drinks and have lots for me too, as not had a drop since 26 July, as trying to help my liver as best I can, after being told had secondaries. So go and sink a ship and drink it all for me. Hopefully at the end of all this, I can go get plastered on pink bubbly, Laurent Perignon!!!


you have good taste in champagne Dawn, hope you get some soon

lots of love
