Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

well this is what this thread is ment for, i need some advice please. I have taken only 3 tablets and had terrible pains in my one remaining breast all last night and it is still there this morning. Had a good feel, nothing there thankgoodness so i was just wondering, is this a normal side effect of tamoxifen and has anyone else experianced this. need so reasurance i think. Thanks ladies, luv pauline xxx

Hi Pauline, I don’t get pain in the breast but I do get a funny uncomfortable sensation at various times - like nerve endings are jangling or something! Because the drug is affecting hormones the breast pain is hopefully nothing to worry about - hope you get some more replies to put your mind at rest - if not - get back to the GP for advice xx lots a love debbie x

Hi,Pauline breast pain is on the leaflet as SE so it is normal ,i dont have it .I started 1 november …like your hair mine is same as yours today i used the hairdryer for 1 st time for months now…all the best Christina

Hey there. Ive taken my 2nd tamoxifen after delaying things for as long as possible and feel fine… I do remember saying that after my first chemo tho so will wait and see!!!


sue we started together then, my 4th tonight. Hope your doing ok

Christina, thank you for that, feel reasured now. not had time to check my leaflet today so you saved me the job thanks for that.

Happy pill popping, luv pauline xxx

Cristina, i think this must be the standard look for post chemo babes, can you imagine what 20 post chemo babes will all look like together at center parks mmmmmm will share the pics with everyone luv pauline xxx

hello Ladies can I join you here? I’m having a panic!!
I’m to start Tamox next Thursday (yep, christmas eve). I should have started 6 weeks ago but I’ve had allergic reactions to everything since my re excision and Onc wanted to discuss with the allergy clinic that I’m now referred to. My Doctors wanted me to take it in hospital after I said how worried I was about having a reaction ( they especially want me to go in since I had a reaction to the flu jab when I never had a reaction before) and the Onc said that as tamoxifen was slow releasing she wanted to make sure 1 day would be enough as the reaction might not come until later…

Now I’m having that heart bumping panic… I’m to go in hospital for 10am and have my first tablet then wait on the ward. They’re being great but what if the reaction doesn’t start til the following day?? Christmas day! I only had the message from the Onc’s sec so haven’t discussed with the Onc herself yet - does it mean they don’t expect reaction the following day now?? My BCN said to start on a Monday so that someone’s around all week for me?? Unfortunately Onc’s not in and sec said they need me to start… aagh. Can I leave it for another 2 weeks after xmas??? I’m going to be away or with visitors tl then.
Worried to take and worried not to take as had to stop chemo beacuse allergic reaction could kill me so are there any rogue cells running around???
sorry rambling… just had to say it out “load”
Reading your posts has helped - at least I’ll not be worrrying about the “normal” SEs! Thanks

Hi everyone

Ive had problems acessing the site as my service provider mucked up apparently.

Im now on 3rd box of tamofin and apart from the hot flushes im doing fine.Ive got lots of hair about 3cm long now and eyelashes back fully nearly.

As I probably wont be on again for a week as im at my OH today and using his pc I would like to wish you all a happy christmas and a very healthy and happy new year. Hope you all have a fab time and over indulge we deserve it after the year weve all had.

Take care big hugs

Sally xxxxx

ans the same to you sally, lovely to hear from you again xx

Hi,Sue is nice to hear from you …when did you finish your chemo?how are the kids???

Hi,Katie so sorry that you had allergy on your chemo and had to stop that …the alergy reaction on tamoxifen will not be same if you are to have it is not entering your body with blood stream direct and chemo was too totoxic…alergy reaction is 2 kinds early and late early is 24 hrs after tabl ,late one maybe up to 3 days later…so if you are not to have early one wich is more agressive late one maybe just rush or feeling unwell BUT iam sure they can give you antiallergy tabl …anyway is worth trying tamoxifen …Pauline .Sally and Sue have nice Xmas …

Happy Christmas too all.

Cant say Tamoxifen has made much difference apart from random spotting yesterday so hope nothing else will develop now.

Christina girls are good. Both been very ill recently with hand foot and mouth then eve had tonsilitis and then pnuemonia BUT taking them out of creche has made a difference bug wise so christmas should be uneventful. Hows you lovely son?

Anyway, take care girls and try to have a nice christmas drink ( wine gives me the flushes!)


sally, cristina, sue, katie and debbie thank you for all your advice, thought i would update you, the breast pain only lasted one night and into the next morning, then went away again. felt better once i knew it was a side effect. Hope your all coping nicely and ready for a restful christmas take care luv pauline xxx

Thanks Christina… nervous about Thursday but determined to give it a go. Seeing Onc before so I’ll ask her % benefit and then go for it!

Happy Christmas everyone x

Hope Thursday goes well for you. I was stuck in Winchester for 3 hours because of the weather ! OH tried to come and get me but was in enormous traffic jam. Nice and warm now though. Happy Christmas to you and your family and see you in 2010.

Racy xx

Oh god poor you Rachy, took me 3 hours to get home (normally 20 mins!!). But at least I was in a warm car… It was lovely to see you though. Have a lovely Christmas and I’ll see you in the new year.

x x x

Hi,Sue my son is growing up fast very tall …still in nappy !!!5,01 he will start nursery twice week ,try to get him with other kids ,he has ben v healthy till now so will see when he will start nursery …winter is always full with colds and bugs…Everyone have good Xmas and better New Year…Christina

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy christmas and a healthy new year and one I am sure we will all be glad to see the back of! Thanks for all the support, advice and comfort you have given to me - you are all amazing and deserve nothing but the best! Here’s to us all x debbiex

Hi Girls I’m about to start my Tamoxifin on Tuesday - nice belated Christmas present - any tips gratefully received! Hope everyone had a great christmas - Lazydaisy1

lazydaisy, i will have been taking mine for 2 weeks on tuesday and apart from a sore boob (i only have the one) for about a day, around day 3, i havn’t had any other SE so far. Good luck with yours and enjoy your tablet free xmas. Happy xmas everyone, luv pauline xxx

Im on aps tamoxifen, I have gained a stone since march this year, all clothes had to be bought in a size 14 and now there too tight.
I am at the end of my tether, very bloated, look pregnant {im not }
Can only eat a little at a time or feel as if I can’t breathe, worried it’s something else going on doc sent me for ultrasound that just showed a cyst, and ca125 blood test 19 doc says that’s good as it should be under 35, now shes referring me for a gynae appointment, don’t know what shes expecting to find, but I never felt this bloated before tamox, anyone else having trouble with weight gain and bloating.
Libby xxx