Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Hiya guys

I’m starting tamoxifen tomorrow… eeeek! Could I ask you lovely ladies for some advice please?

When I got back from the pharmacy with my prescription, I discovered that they gave me two brands… one month of Wockhardt and two months of APS.

Does anyone have any thoughts/suggestions/advice as to which brand I should take first? Or should I just stop worrying and pick a box out of a hat?? :slight_smile:

Take care everyone x


I had APS for the first month and the next 2 have been Wockhardt. To be honest I didn’t notice any difference between the 2. I have been lucky and not had many side effects (see above). I don’t think it’ll matter much which one you take first.

Good luck with it, let us know how you get on

Anna xx

hi AM McS - I’ve been on Wockhardt tamoxifen for just over 2 months and I think I’m SE free - certainly nothing different has happened to me ! Lots of luck xxchipperxx

Hi all

Well im now 4 or 5 weeks on tamox and the only se im getting is the horrible hot flushes, so much so that ive given up wearing my wig even when i go out as its like wearing a wolly hat all the time.

hope everyones fine
love sally xx

oh its weird isnt it?..been on tamoxifen for four days and its like starting chemo again…waiting for side effects…how silly am i?..even stayed off work just in case something awful happens…

well enough of it…i,m going into
work tomorrow and just going to
get on with it…

i,ve read as much as i can on the side effects and as there is no cure for hot flushes i,ll just buy more t,shirts…instead of jumpers for the winter. suppose it will be cheaper…lol

WoooHooo!!! Have been off Tamoxifen for 3 weeks now…And haven’t had a hot flush for 10 days :wink: and I have been getting sleep…not fantastic night but alot better than I was getting for the last 3 months (although I’m still dealing with SE from Radiotherapy!!)
But now my treatment has finished and my 3 weeks are up and I have to report back DR I just know they’re gonna put me back on it!!
So I’ll just have to enjoy life while I can…
Hope every one has a fab weekend

Hi all

Just wondering if anyone has changed from taking it at night to the morning as my onc said that some ladies find it better in the morning. i have taken mine at night for past 6 weeks but the hot flushes at night are really disturbing my sleep and quiet frankly Im knackered.

Today i took it in morning to see if it makes any difference

love to hear everyones veiws

hope youre all well

Sally xx

Hi Sally, have always been a morning girl! I get the occasional hot flush at night but nothing to trouble me really - they are easier to cope with in the day - you can stick your head out of the window LOL

Hi Deb

Must say your looking good. thanks for the reply. i have found i have had more flushes today so hopefully tonight should be better. at least tonight in bed it shouldnt be ’ duvet on… duvet off. LOL

Hi everyone.

I started taking the Tamoxifen on mon. I have been putting off taking it for the last few days but have had to brave it - i know it’s for the best.I hate the fact that i have to be on drugs for the next 5yrs.I’m waiting to see if i have any side effects even tho its only been 3 days!! I’m hoping to be one of the lucky ones.I thought it would be more managable taking it in the evening to have the flushes at night.Reading what Sally has written i may decide to change it around.

Love Debs x

Hi,Sally i hope your flushes are better now…Debs i was like you waiting for 2 weeks till i got brave to start Tamoxifen …now i am on my second box so far good no problems…hope to be same for you…take care Christina

I started Tamox on Sept 24, always in the morning because it is the time when I know I won’t forget. I never had hot flushes but then I am beyond menopause. However, bad SE seem to be piling up to the point I am hating this little pill: exhaustion, sleep `problems, back and joint pains, constipation. Arghh!! Do I have to be 5 years like this?? Does it get any better?

Hi all

Since i changed to taking it in the morning i am sleeping alot better and the flushes are worse during the day and early evening but i can cope with them better.

I also wonder if i will have them for the next 5yrs or just until menopause is over…I take it thats what im going through.

Thanks Christina they are easier to deal with during the day, saves putting heating on. LOL

love to all
Sally xx

I saw onc last week after being on tamoxifen for 6 weeks as a follow up and asked if the hot flushes go on for the whole 5 years, she said they are usually worse for the 1st year and then calm down!!

Funny Ive just swopped to taking them in the evening as they make me feel queasy sometimes!!

love to all fellow tamoxifen takers!!! Debs xxxx

Hi, I am on my second box of Tamoxifen. Just wondered if anyone else had experienced chest/back pain, as it has only been happening for the last two weeks or so I am paranoid that the cancer is back and spreading…Before cancer if I felt ill I just got on with it, now I feel like every time I get any aches or pains I fear the worst. Am feeling very tearful tonight and in need of something positive!

Hi Julie,
As I say in my post, I have back pains (and other rheumatic type pains), but not chest pains. They started about two weeks after taking T and have become worse… I just take Ibuprofen and paracetamol. That helps.

Hi,Julie,and Nikyia i am on second box of TAM and i have back pain it start it while on rads and it was on my rads side like ribs pain than move to my back and it is definatly back pain now wich is bad afternoon so i have to lie for while yest i had ibuprofen and it helped so i will see today i am more tired now so i dont know what to linked that with rads or tamoxifen…i know what you say Julie thinking that CA is back on your bones or so this is going to be our life from now …so we have to learn how to avoid those negative thoughts…my folow up app is 30.12 so iam going to talk about it …mind you if you are premenstrual and tamoxifen will cause you menopause is linked with bone pain cos of bone get thin -osteoporosis i am not saing hapened already i just think of why we can have these pains…other suggestions??? take care Christina

Hi Christina/Nikiya - Thanks for your replies, sorry to sound paranoid, I do feel much better now having read all the comments. I have a follow up mid January so will talk it all through then but will take some painkillers and enjoy Christmas!Julie x

Well i joined your gang last night ladies. finished rads on monday and started tamoxifen yesterday. I sat and read the leaflet that came with it and oh my god, looks like we can’t win either way, damed if we take it, damed if we don’t. oh well hopefully i will be one of the lucky ones… luv to you all, pauline xxx

Hi Pauline, nice to catch up with you again. I felt like that at the beginning (started it on 1st Sept)but it has been used for a long time and I am hoping you will be lucky like me and barely notice the SE’s. I caused a laugh in school today - it was snowing and I was standing outside with a big red face trying to cool off - I feel it could be worse but like you hope it doesn’t result in anything nasty. All the best, let us know how you get on with it, love xdebbiex