Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

i am having alot of aches. Mainly in left hip. I do have osteoporosis there.I am paranoid that it is bone mets! I hope it is tamoxifen as has got worse since starting it. Hope the tamoxifen is ok with you chipper. At least I have not had any psychological side effects so far.The benefit of tamoxifen is 13% for me. I know it varies greatly on the grade, stage and the individual themselves as regards the benefit of tamoxifen.

Rachy xxx

Brilliant! you have bitten the bullet Chipper - hope you remain healthy and SE free. The evening primrose oil sounds a good supplement to take with it. Lyn x

thanks everyone - day 2…so far ok !

Day 6 in the Tamoxifin house

I feel really fed up and low, cant stop crying. Do not think it has anything to do with the Tamox,just me. It’s seemed an effort to just get out of bed the last few days.Has anyone else felt like this 4 weeks post op.

I think I’ve felt very very low at times since my op (in May) - more so than my usual state,which is anxious but generally optimistic. The low bits strike every so often and I feel I’m really plunged into some horrid pit, but I generally emerge after a bit feeling ok again. I can’t blame it on tamox. obviously, just post op,post dx etc which has shaken everything out of kilter. Hope you feel a bit better soon jellylegs xxx

((((((((((((((((((((((big hugs))))))))))))))))))
I think its normal to feel low and weepy after your op.I certainly did.I had my mastectomy last July and cried all through the olympics on the telly!
Don’t be hard on yourself you have been through a traumatic time.Maybe each day just do one small thing to cheer yourself ,maybe paint your nails ,bake a cake or just watch your fav DVD.
I had a WLE 3 weeks ago and I am finding it hard to get up and hard to get out of my PJs! I am going to the pics with a friend today so better go get dressed and put the slap on!
Take care,we are here for you

Hi everyone, can i join in?
I’ve been on Tamoxifen for 3 months now… outrageous flushes especially from about 3pm onwards. I usually sleep in 2 hour chunks. Recently i’ve been getting cold flushes especially in the early morning, anyone else get them?
Got a chillow pillow which helps a bit and i’ve started with evening primrose, cod liver oil and glucosamine to try and help the my joints when i attempt to stagger to the bathroom in the night, my feet just wont bend and i’m pretty stiff when i’ve been sitting for a while. I don’t feel depressed at all but every 3/4 doys or so i’m exhausted and sleep most of the day, anyone else have this problem?

Hi All

Its the Wockhart I have this time. Think it might have been APS last time but I threw the box away. Strangely I have had fewer night flushes, though they are very hot when they come, but definitely feel quite nauseous during the day. its always hard to know whether its the tamoxifen or some other thing though. A bit of a trade off here - if I am having fewer night flushes is it worth the nausea? Think I will give these a few weeks and see how it goes. Past 2 days I’ve had a sharp pain under my ribs too, like a muscle cramp. Can only lie on one side while in bed!
At least the rads are finished now - return to work in 4 weeks and am a bit apprehensive about that too.
So far so good Chipper?
Jellylegs I agree that the emotional rollercoaster is more due to the trauma of what we have been through than the tablets. I am a great believer in going with the flow and not beating yourself up about emotional ups and downs.
Rachy I so relate to what you are saying about the pains. I don’t know what the benefit is for me - I was just told to take it so I am!


Thanks everyone, Will go and put some ‘Slap on’ (that made me laugh Dotchas)or as I say…Where’s my first aid kit? This support does make all the difference,its nice to know you are not alone and that someone understands how you are feeling…(shame we’ve not all got a hang over from a fantastic girlie night out but…) My friends keep saying “But your alright” so I just say yes and keep everything inside.
Moan over.

Day 7 in thye Tamoxifen house
Hi, everyone and thanks for your support yesterday.
I feel fine on the Tamox except for the occasional headache,it does seem to put me to sleep though.((((hugs))) to everyone.

Hi Everyone,

Just joining in if that’s ok? I started Tamoxifen 3 weeks ago(wockhart) and apart from sore hips, that seems to be the only side effect. I have suffered terrible flushes and night sweats since having chemo and that has just continued, no periods since May. I have started 550mg daily of cod liver oil to help with hip pain and have been on them for a week now, must admit it seems to be working, pain and stiffness lessening. I take my tablet last thing at night so as to sleep off any initial symptoms… felt sick a couple of nights but fell asleep soon after so didn’t suffer.

I was speaking to a lady in the chemo suite yesterday whilst getting herceptin and she is having same symptoms as me but has been on Tamoxifen for a bit longer, she said that the flushes and sweats haven’t gone away but have definately got less over the last few months… goody goody!! so there’s hope yet.

Lots of best wishes
Fiona xx

day 3 in my tamoxifen house…am really determined to not expect any SEs (and am hoping that as I generally am never very poorly with anything then it might be a sign ) but my hands feel a bit stiff and the tops of my hips (joints) achey, but I did walk a lot yesterday !!

Have you tried soya milk tablets to help with the hot flushes? I have mates at work that use them, and they seem to work.
I’ve been on Tam for2 months, and seem to be very luck on the SE front, nothing muh to shout about. Just put on weight- gone up one dress size!
Going to have to work on that, get more exersize and eat a bit less.

Jellylegs,hope you are feeling better now and like the rest say you have got to be good to yourself and accept that it is a mad emotional and hormonal rollercoaster that we are on,lol let me off now !
I never knew anything about breast cancer before starting on this journey and neither did my friends,we sure as hell do now tho.People just don’t know or understand what we are going through therefore it is up to us to educate them. If you don’t feel well and your friends ask how you are ,why hide how it really is. Your true friends will want to help you and I take the view of others who are just asking for the sake of it ,if they don’t want to know how you REALLY are then they shouldnt complain when they are told. It has certainly shown the true worth of my real friends and the fair weather ones have been shown up in their true colours.I don’t need people around me that don’t really care how I am.

Saying all that ,I have made lots more friends since I have had my diagnosis and many on here,can’t praise this forum high enough in terms of help and support and friendship,every cloud eh …

Hi all
I have roday obtained my packet of Tamoxifen. The onc said the hospital supplied “nolvadex” brand, which I was pleased about as had read somewhere on here that it had fewer SEs. After a 40 min wait to get it in the hospital pharmacy, I grabbed my pack and ran out, as parking ticket was about to expire.

Opened up the bag at home to find it is APS brand…

Been told to take it with food. Am going to get some Evening Primrose to ease it along.

Anna x

are you starting it straight away Anna ? lots of luck !


Part of me thinks “just get on with it!!!”. Another part is somewhat shaky…
Reading the leaflet inside it didn’t help!!!

Met a friend yesterday who has been on it for 2 years. She has hot flushes but not much else.

Think I might have it tonight with my dinner…

Good luck Anna, I have been taking Tamoxifin for 2 weeks now and find it better to take in the morning as I find sleeping hard,and with added bonus of hot flushes,it was a no go.
I am beginning to panick about the weight,have managed to loose a 1st so far this year Reallllly not wanting to go backwards…Even more joy!!!
Has anyone had any real problems with weight gain???

Veggie I think the form we need to claim our travel back is a HC2. If you look up HC11 Form it tells you all about it…I’m still trying to find it(started looking today) my local surgery didn’t know about it?? so going to try my BNC and give the DHHS a bell(joy!) and see what the say! I was tod about it when I went for my interview “getting me back into the work place” Laugh!!! I’ve been signed off until Feb and wont be able to do what I used to do.So I’m going to have to retrain, which I’m finding quite daunting.As I don’t know what to do!!!And with myself confidence at an all time low at the mo it seems like another black hole!!.
Anyway hope that helps HC2 wise if I find out more will let you know .
Jenhar xx

Good luck Anna.Keep us posted. Jellylegs.