Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Having mood problems today. i had a terrible day at work yesterday so may not be tamoxifen based.Even thought about chucking the job in as had enough.


Hi Jenhar,

you may not gain any weight on tamoxifen. I’ve been taking it since mid January and have actually lost some weight. And that isn’t because of nausea, because I’ve never had that.

Eliza xx

I would find weight gain pretty hard to cope with,if I’m really honest - my self esteem is pretty flimsy at times and that would crush me -I know that sounds overly dramatic but one of my ocd-ish things is control and perfection - not that I am in any way perfect, but I am mercilessly self critical and would find it v hard.

Been on Tam 14 days now. I did notice some weight gain last week but seem to have gone back to what I was pre tam. Think it was fluid retention as I kept going to the loo more than normal for a pee the last few days lol. Hope that’s all it is anyhow. Was very moody/tearful when first started taking tam but seem back to “normal” again. Im wondering if when I first started taking tam I was due on and all that moody/tearful/weightgain was PMT but I never had a period probably due to the Tam and now Im back to as if I would have had a period (if that makes sense). Will know in a months time I guess.
Still no hot flushes yet :slight_smile:

Hi Rachy,

sorry your work is tough at the moment, as if you didn’t have enough on your plate.

Take care


Hello ladies may I join you? I took my first tamoxifen tablet last night. APS brand. Just waiting for something to happen now, I took it just before bed and slept well. I’ve read so much about the horrible SE’s I’ve felt really worried about taking it, but I don’t fancy the alternative so I’ve got to get on with it. Must get some glucosamine, my joints seem to have got stiffer during chemo and if Tamox does the same thing I’m going to be in a rare old state!

Ive always taken my APS tamoxifen in the morning. It took 3 months before I got any side effects, and after 18 months I stil just get a few mild flushes. Its not always bad!

Hello all, I started taking Tamoxifen last September and am pleased to report that I have had no major side effects. I did have a “hot spell” at night during that heatwave in June but I think that was due to the air temperature and not SE’s!
I did have some aching in my joints and saw my Gp who said it was probably arthritis/aging - I’m only 52!( I was also panicing that it was in my bones!!) However all ok now and can honestly say that I am firing on all cylinders and been back at work F/T for almost a year and manage to do most of what I did before.
I have put on weight and am trying to loose it but it is a battle.
It’s good to read how others are doing and as someone commented you only read about when things aren’t too good and there are some of us who have got off relatively lightly and I have had the full works!
Big hugs to you all.
Claire x

Thats it!!! PMT!!! Sorry haven’t had a period since April due to the chemo and I forgoton really what the symptoms felt like. I feel like I am due on,(tho not!).I do feel like I am retaining fluid,so I’ll wait a few days an see what happens.
Felt starnge today as I got an app to see my onc next month before my rads and it was quite a comforting/exciting feeling…Gawd!!.
But I have also managed to walk the furthest today since my op 7 wks ago so feel really chuffed…(POOPED) But chuffed with myself!

Hope everyone has had an ok day today an felt good with the sun shinning! : )

Evening all,
I appear to be OK on the Tamox at the moment!!! I took it with a low dose of asprin last night and have not had an headache today so perhaps thats the answer to the the problems I’ve been having.
Went to see onc today to arrange rads and also asked to see BCN to arrange to get some chicken fillets to even me up. I was told the BCN would get back to me in TWO weeks. Is that the norn. (Walsall)

Hi, I have been taking Tamoxifen for 3 weeks now, and have been a bit concerned with the side effects which is why I have re visited the site. Has anybody else had any numbness in hands, every night I wake up 6 or 7 times with 3 fingers really numb, the only way I can get the circulation back is to hang my arm out the bed and it can take upto 10 minutes for the feeling to come back, I have told people but nobody really seems to be concerned. I have also had swelling of the ankles(had put it down to being on my feet all day as manager of a shop) but it would appear this is another side effect. will things get better?? at the moment I feel like im 102 not 52, no energy, aches and pains, sore feet, coldsores (came up today- brilliant). I am about to start rad treatment as well after a few weeks break after chemo, and have real worries about that as well, some people say it makes you very lethargic others say its OK, I feel bad enough now and not sure if I want to continue with tamoxifen. I also see some of you take it at night, does this help with the muscle aches. Sorry for rattling on but need some reassurance right now. Good luck to you all

Hi highlandlady50,I finished my treatment (chemo,rads) in May 2008 and started taking tamoxifen,I take mine in the morning dont know if it makes any difference what time you take it. And it is only now that things seem to have calmed down and I feel more or less back to my old self apart from sweats they are really annoying but not as bad as the hot flushes I was getting,I was having one about every 20 mins but I only get a few now.I also suffered bad cramps and also would wake of a night with numbness in my hands but this has passed now, only get cramp every now and then.I do still have sligtly numb fingers and sore feet and numb toes but this is side effect from chemo (tax) not tamoxifen.Dont forget you have only just finished chemo and will still feel the effects for sometime.Rads for me was fine, I had 33, my boob became a bit sore but that was all.Wish you luck with your rads and hope The side effects you are having calm down soon.

best wishes Mel xx

Hi all

I planned to start taking my Tamoxifen today but my period has just started ( a bit early). Does this matter at all ? Shall I just get on with it and take the thing ?

Hi Annalou, I would just take it, doesnt make any difference, thanks for reminding me to take mine!!!

Hope you are ok

Carol xx

OK thanks !!!

take it - I took my first mid period,not sure whether it has any bearing ! xx

I took mine having just had my mirena coil out and not had a period for four years ! Unfortunately , my periods have come back and seem to be regular cycle now.Damn and blast.

Sandra x

Hi Sandra. I was the opposite. I had the mirena coil about 6 years ago to try to control heavy periods but it didnt work but since taken tamoxifen (only 15 days so far lol) my period didn’t come on the due date so Im hoping I will get that “side effect” of periods stopping for now.

I went to Slimmng World this morning and have lost 4 lbs this week so I guess last weeks weight gain was like I said in my previous post re PMT and some of the 4lbs lost this week was water retention.

Taking Tam in the evening and waking up with mild headache. Not sure if that’s related but still no hot flushes so that’s good.

Highlandlady it could be still the s/e of chemo.I had alot of that when I was on chemo,but I’ve started to wear a magnetic braclet on the hand that really used to suffer the most(had numbness both hands end 3 fingers). I got the idea from Veggie as she was talking about one that helps with hotflushes that you put in your pants!!..Anyway I have woren my brcalet for the last 2 weeksand have found it really is a help.It could be that I’m getting over some of the se of chemo but who cares its not as bad!! :0))
Hope this is a weebit of help!!?


Shame it dosen’t help with my typing!!! doh! sorry