Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!


Have taken it !!!

( my kids re-christened it “toxic phlegm” …)

Anna x

Hi All,
I have been reading your posts re Tamoxifin, I have picked up my pack on Wednesday (APS) and so far have not had the courage to start taking it, I am struggling to come to terms with taking it for the next five years, I know its silly as is better than more BC =possibility of no life at all etc. its the fear of a general down grading of my quality of life over time that worries me.
I know I have got to get on with it but not without a childish sulk first.
I think toxic phlegm sums it up nicely!


Come on Lizzie, be my twin!!! I got the same brand on the same day!Have taken it this evening just after my dinner with a *tiny* glass of red wine.
We can compare notes along the way…
Go on, go for it !

(…let me know…)

yep, go for it Lizzie !

Thanks for the encouragement, I have just taken my first tablet!!! will report any peculiar side effects such as my head swivelling round to you.
Will keep in touch this should be interesting

Lizzie X

Hurray ! Well done!!!

Hi All

posted a week or so ago about my aches and pains and tamoxifen - I saw my oncologist yesterday. He suggested changing brands so I’mnow trying to track down a different one as my local chemist only does Wockhardt. He also said try taking ibroprofen regularly for a month - I’ve taken a couple and my feet seem better this motning. He also suggested swapping to armidex but said pains are worse with that although hot flushes were better. Not taking it is not really an option so it seems its a catch 22 situation.

On a good point - he said the side effects show the tamoxifen is working.

Hot flushes - I’ve tried acupuncture which worked short term but in my case I need regular top ups. However other people say it has helped hot fulushes enormously. Oncologist also suggested taking starflower capsules or evening primrose for hot flushes.

all the best


Hi All

I had a bad time on the generic Tamoxifen and seriously considered stopping taking it. I told my BCN and she said to go to the GP and change to Nolvadex-D which is a branded tamoxifen. Easier said than done. These are more expensive and my GP seemed to think she should keep the cost of drugs down for the NHS. Anyway she eventually agreed to give me Nolvadex-D for a three month trial. Within 48 hours I was so much better. Hardly any side effects at all from these new ones. The difference seems to be that the generic ones just dump all the tamoxifen into your system in one big lump. Nolvadex are slow release and so it gradually feeds into your system. It’s worth a try. Another tip from my BCN. If you ask for a particular brand of the drug you have been prescribed your GP can’t refuse so, if you have a similar experience to me, stick to your guns.

Best of luck

Jan xx

I think I’ve made this comment elsewhere, but when I switched from generic Tamoxifen to Nolvadex D, out of interest I asked the pharmacist the price of each - generic costs about £3 a pack, and Nolvadex D is in the region of £13 a pack (which is a bargain compared to Arimidex which is about £75 a pack!).

When one sees the utter waste in other areas of the NHS etc, I really do not think that £10 a month extra to make a woman’s life easier is much to ask.

I’ve now taken 3 tamoxifen and my right knee has suddenly become extremely painful - to the point where I am limping all the time and it aches like toothache. My ankles have also been very stiff in the mornings. Surely it can’t have caused those side effects that quickly - it’s coincidence right?

Hi Jan

Thats useful to know. My GP doesn’t think there is much difference between brands but my oncologist does and he told me about research thats been done. I’m having trouble tracking down a brand other than wockhardt. So next week I might trawl all the local chemists for Novaladex. Failing that I’ll ask my GP to prescribe it.


am thinking that my hip[ joints are aching and my hands, but surely not so soon -it’s only been 6 days

I have been on tomaxifen for 4 weeks now, following two cycles of chemo and 18 sessions of radiotherapy.

I have a soft downy cover of what I would describe as “fur” on my face and shoulders. Like babies have have. I hate it and hope that it does not get any worse. I don’t want to end up looking like one of the seven dwarfs with a white beard. Anyone else got this problem?

Yes tawny - it’s a chemo side-effect I think. I had 8 cycles of chemo and lost my hair, when it came back I have downy hair on the sides of my face like a newborn. That all came before the tamoxifen so I can’t blame it on that - and I know I’m not alone. Apparently it does go so we won’t all have to grow mutton-chop sideburns and handlebar moustaches. :smiley:

Hi Gennie

I had cramp in toes and mild pain and stiffness in toes and balls of feet immediately on startng to take tamoxifen. This lasted for around 4-5 weeks before wearing off, along with mild nausea. I also still get cramping in the calf muscles which comes and goes. Hope your symptoms (assuming taxox related) aren’t with you for too long!

Lots of love to all. Cathy x

The main side effects I have with tamoxifen so far are the aching hips, legs and ankles especially if I have been on my feet along time. I also feel a bit nauseaous in the morning when I take it (the cups of tea don’t help this i think. I have been on tamoxifen for 17 days now.Best side effect is the weight loss !! I think the sick feeling stops me eating too much. I also had a change of other medications.

Rachy xxx

Thanks Gennie, it’s good to have such a quick responce. Glad to think that this “downy hair” might dissapear soon. Thanks xx

Now read on another thread that evening primrose oil is not good to take if you have BC. Cant win.
Will stop taking it for a while and hope I dont start the hot flushes (at the moment thinking it’s the EPO stopping me from getting Hot flushes)

Dear gocat,

I have attached the links to a couple of Breast Cancer Care publications which may have some useful information for you. One is the booklet “Complementary therapies” and the second if the Fact sheet “Menopausal symptoms and BC”. I hope this helps.



Very best wishes

BCC Facilitator

9 weeks into tamox and still only SE is blooming flushes and sweats. They can get me down at times but so long as the tamoxifen is improving my prognosis I think I can live with it. Its bizarre how you feel ok one minute and the next this heat descends. I never knew you could sweat out of the insides of your elbows before!! Pity the sweat doesn’t make you lose weight!!! After changing brand I had mild nausea for a few days but that seems to have settled. I take loads of supplements now - I never did before but figure why not! They are not related to the tamox though - I take vitamin D3 after seeing a youtube article about it, green tea, multivits, cod liver oil etc. I rattle these days!