Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

Hi gocat,

There seems to be a lot of confusion with regard to Tamoxifen and what and what cannot be taken with it. Could I suggest that you give the helpline here a ring and have a chat with the nursing staff to help clarify things for you. Calls to the helpline are free, 0808 800 6000 and are open Mon-Fri 9am - 5pm and Sat 9am - 2pm.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator


did you ring the helpline about these queries ? Or find out any info from anywhere else ?

I’d be interested to know how you got on.

My oncologist recommended EPO if menopausal symptoms were troublesome. He also said Tamoxifen is ok with most anti- depressants (including citalopram) except Prozac. Not sure what to believe though.

Hope you are doing ok.

Last month didnt get my period when it was due, after starting tammox and now this months is due and started grrrr. Was hoping that would be one SE I get (i.e. no periods lol). Other than that still nothing major. No hot flushes. Still not taking the EPO but still taking the Prozac. Still waiting to see GP…

2 weeks and 3 days down and still ok - am wondering about period,should be due in a couple of weeks

hi gocat - my gp changed me from prozac to efexor xl - had liquid prozac when weaning off it and was easier than cutting a full tablet out, I’ve felt fine on the efexor. I did hope to be able to leave off them fullstop but found that I got very anxious and twitched about everything so went for the efexor, as my doc says now isn’t really the right time to be stopping, I need to be kind to myself!
I’ve been on tamoxifen now for 9 wks - has anybody noticed any boob changes - ie tenderness/lumpiness like I used to get pre-menstrually?? - not had one sice early May, am 44 and was pretty regular before. I sleep on my front mainly and have noticed my “good” side a bit tender/lumpy…mary x

hi all
now about 10 weeks into tam. much the same as before - aches, sweats and flushes! I took a half sleeping tab the last 3 nights as I was so fed up of disturbed sleep. Well, I slept ok but just felt yuck all day anyway, so am going to revert to sleeplessness tonight! why can’t they give you a tablet that helps you sleep but makes you feel like you’ve actually slept the next day?!! it was good because I wasn’t wakened with the sweats but probably not worth it overall :frowning:
back to the drawing board.

Ooerr! I’m starting next week (Thursday is when I’ve diaried to start this adventure). Wondering if s/es start up straight away, or if there’s any sort of honeymoon period!

I have some melatonin tablets I got in the states which are supposed to help you sleep, without making you drowsy. Hope I’ll be able to try taking them if I get interrupted sleep (also got some Kalms, which do make you a bit drowsy). I’m going to have to start asking questions about what I can take pronto, as the idea of sleepless nights is not a great one. I get that already (pain from my back is the current culprit) and end up feeling wrung out the next day.

hi Mary - was thinking about you today ! Am now on day 16 and all ok. I thought maybe I was getting achy joints the other week,but my bcn assures me this isn’t so and I just think it’s tiredness.I do feel tired but not sure if I’m tired or it’s tamox. I would say it’s just tiredness. My brand is Wockhardt and I notice I’ve been given the same brand for my nexty 2 months - the lady in Boots says they order tamox and get whatever comes through. Hello Alex too - the sleeping thing must be a bugger - I have slept really well-I generally do except when my mind is ultra active which happens on occassion.Hope things go well for you Mary and that things improve for you Alex xxxx

Hi everyone,
Well,I seem ok apart from the waking up in the night with hot sweats.But I’ve also had them whilst shopping today!! My face went red and I looked liked I had been cooked. Oh this rotten C. The person I knew has disappeared. Boobs changed, skin dry,eys red,mood changes and to make matters even worse I feel frightened to go out by myself now. Things can only get better…Oh no I’ve got rads soon…

Hi Jellylegs

I feel the same… Having mood swings and also slightly anxious about going out by myself…sorry you’re going though it too, but also glad it’s not just me, as thought I might be becoming agraphobic.(?)
Not had the hot flushes yet.
Rads planning on Monday. Have you had yours yet ?

Take it easy
Anna x

Hi Anna Thanks for your comments,I thought it was just me!! I suppose it has to knock your confidence a bit. I go for my rads tatts this tuesday in B’ham.

Got through one months worth of APS Tamoxifen with hardly any side effects. New packet is that Wockhardt tamoxifen so will see if that brand will bring on the side effects (hope not).

Still havent got my antidepressant sorted yet. Went to print out the link I gave in another thread and it says not available. Wonder why that is?

Hello girls - big hugs to all about to start radiotherapy. Hope you all get through it ok. I just had 16 but had no real problems at all. Nearly 3 months on tam now. This last week or so I have had less intense flushes and sweats and am hoping this will be long term. Am on Wockhardt now and have had mild nausea and the usual sweats but nothing else. Sleep is still a bit of a problem but never mind. Hi Chipper! Hope you are still doing well on the tam.

hey Alex - was thinking of you as I was not feeling brilliant this w/end -sleeping wise -which was a shame as we were on a lovely weekend away at a posh hotel - my husband reckoned the duvets were more plush than ours so I got very hot- also felt not quite right BUT again think this could be because we were away and the anxieties that ensue from that (I had a fab time and loved it but I wish I’d felt less churned up !)

Yup! I’m like you Alex lots of Hot flushes and the sleep thing is still a problem.I have got sleeping tabs but try not to take them too much,the last time I took them I still managed to wake up 3 times an be awake for a couple of hours.It was suggested that I try an take them a few days in a row to see if it would brake thecycle…Boy oh boy! after 2 days I was Crap!! it was like being in chemo all over again!! So I’m just gonna put up with wakening up at 2.20am…Strange it always seems to be around the same time of day!
Take care everyone and those about to start Rad let me know how you get on I start at the end of Oct…Seems to be ages to go yet1


had clear mammogram 1 month ago, but getting lots of aches and pains, sore under breast that had surgery on - feels like rib is bruised - more uncomfortable when sitting. been on tamoxifen for 18 months anyone else getting more aches and pains than usual. history diagmosed aug 07, grade 2 1.8 mm no lymphnodes involved. been given 95% chance it wont return - but still worry and dont like all the aches and pains - have seen DR and am being tested for arthritis in fingers and am takinh anti inflammotries for 4 days but no improvement - any advice?

It seems I am to be in tears at least 3-4 times a day over things I would normally cope with… Is this the tamoxifen or is this all my grief coming out??

Hi Jenhar,I think it is a bit of both, grief and Tamoxifen. I can’t remember ever crying so much and in the wrong places too and I’ve always considered myself very strong.

I’ve been a bit more weepy since I’ve been on Tamox too.But I think it is probably a good thing for the inevitable grief to come out …

Heh! Will be taking tablet #2 tonight. I took #1 last night at 11pm. I’d said I’d start at the beginning of October. Only read the leaflet just before I took the tablet - boy, are there some scary possible side-effects!

I’ve decided to keep a note of how I’m feeling each day, and anything unusual I feel. Sort of like a policeman’s note book for “notes taken at the time”!

I’d decided to wait nearly a month from finishing rads before starting to take the dreaded T (APS brand for me, don’t know what I’ll get for the next batch as I’ve not taken the prescription to the GP for the renewal).

I’ve two questions for those of you who have become veteran tamoxifen takers:

  1. how quickly did you start experiencing side-effects?
  2. did you start having horrible dreams?
    Second question is because I had a dream that was so awful it woke me up, and I didn’t want to go back to sleep incase it came back! All about cancer of course…

I have a feeling I’ve started my period - great timing!

I’ve lost a teeny bit of weight, but reduced in size because my fat has been gradually converting to muscle - 40 minutes brisk walking every weekday lunchtime. I’m lucky because I work in a department at my place of work where there are loads of keen lunchtime walkers, so I’ve always got company. I’m hoping I don’t end up feeling achey and therefore unable to do the walk, as it’s a real mood lifter.

I use sweet marjoram oil on a handkerchief under the pillow as a sleep aid (decided to try my best not to take any tablets, even my Kalms or the melatonin I’ve got, for the time being).