Tamoxifin Buddies wanted!!!

one more in the first packet to take, so that makes it 3 weeks- all still ok. Hope everyone else is managing too.

Hi Mary,
I’m on APS brand as well, started them on 11th Sept ( a date not easy to forget!). I have not experienced any bad dreams at all. Hope yours was just a one-off?

Anna x

Hi Buddies
hope you are all coping with the dreaded tamx. I have had a lot of aches and pains - lower back (though I’ve had problems for ages), elbow, shoulders, neck, etc. Don’t know if its tamx or just me! Kept worrying about secondaries but I think that is natural in our situation. I bought a CD by hypnotherapist Glenn harold to help me sleep and find that listening to it puts me in a very relaxed state. Hoping that continued use will make a real difference to sleep. Mind you, while Glenn is lulling me into a lovely relaxed state, OH is snoring merrily next to me. I tried giving myself a hypnotic suggestion “each snore will make me deeper and deeper asleep” … unfortunately that particular suggestion didn’t work. Perhaps a divorce…

Hi girls
Have been on tamoxifen for a month now, so far only side effects are I get really tired, and also cry at the drop of a hat over stupid things, which is not normal for me! I agree some of the side effects listed in the leaflet are pretty horrific though, like cervical cancer! As if any of us really want to take something that could do this to us… Jackie

Hi girls, hope its ok if I join you. Have been on Tamoxifen for a whole month and not really noticed any changes just yet. I also take a bone strengthening tab daily as they found secondaries in five “hot spots” about 5 months ago mid way thru my chemo - havent had period since May - is it likely they will return does anyone know? Get a bit flushed half way thru the day but manage to sleep ok - prob cos I am soooo knackered as a single mum working full time - its good to share our SE’s and experiences - was on a brilliant thread all thru chemo but we have all now finished - most are having rads now but they didnt give me it in case they want to blast the bones! Look forward to hearing more experiences, best wishes, Debbie x

Yes, I hope the dream was a one-off, too, Anna! I kind of think, now the most active part of treatment is over, some of the fears I suppressed earlier are perhaps creeping back in. Even if you’re a positive person (and I am), you can’t help but worry, can you, from time-to-time?

Alex - I’ve got 3 Glenn Harrold cds. I only occasionally hear him all the way through. He was a total lifeline for me when I was first diagnosed (the main one of his cds I’ve used is Heal Your Body). It relaxed me, helped me sleep, and gave me a couple of really good visualising exercises to boot. Had to laugh at you listening to Glenn fighting against snoring! Have you got his Deep Sleep cd then? I also have that, but so far haven’t used it so much. I’d maybe try a separate room before a divorce…

Went to my GP today, to give her my prescription (my local Pharmacy have given me Wockhardt for my next two months). I also had a number of bits of my medical file to give her. I’m now getting a referral to the Gynae people, as I had a scan during a clinical trial I was on, which was followed up to reveal fibroids in the endometrium and polyps. I decided to worry about one thing at a time, so put it on the mental and physical back burner for my BC treatment. As tamx has such delightful side-effects, I didn’t want to wait any longer to get the fibroids & polyps investigated. So it probably won’t be long now before I’m back at the hospital with them looking at the other end! Fingers crossed there’s nothing sinister to be discovered…

Feeling a bit achey today - but the 20 minute speed walk I did might have something to do with it. I feel that if I keep up the level of exercise I’ve been doing, it might help with some of the SEs that might be on the cards.

Hi everyone

Just wondered what people’s experiences were re. periods whilst on Tamox ?

I am premenopausal (43) and have not had chemo.I have been on Tamoxifen for just under a month and was having a period when I started it.My next period is due today but no sign of it yet.( usually have a 25 day cycle) I have a million spots and feel weepy.Should I expect it not to appear? Appear with a vengeance? arrive late ?? All of the above ??!

Anna x

oh goodness,was going to write something v similar - am pre menopausal and a few yrs older than you but with usually regular periods. This is my third week of tamox. and I also started it during my period. My next one just started today (about 2 days late)…no particular signs of it coming beforehand -no tenderness etc.

Thanks chipper, I won’t feel so paraniod if mine does now arrive.

I am sure my onc said I shouldn’t have periods whilst on Tamox…but maybe I am imagining things…
My friend who has been on it for 3 years still has periods, although they stopped while she had chemo. She is a few years younger than me.

What I am dreading is worse/heavier periods or flooding ,pain etc.

Anna x

am trying not to think of things like flooding !!

If tamoxifen is also an infertility treatment (which it is for some types of infertility), I wouldn’t necessarily expect it to stop the periods. Does make it a bit confusing to understand exactly how it works though, then, doesn’t it?

Only thing specifically I’ve noticed so far is that the soles of my feet feel like they’re on fire the whole time. I’m sitting in an airconditioned office, in sandals with ultra-toasty feet! Not at all what I was expecting.

My GP said it could be 6-8 weeks before I’d feel the full effect of any SEs. Does that chime with anyone else’s experience?

hmm, it is confusing…I imagine the tamox. as an infertility thing would encourage egg production ? I have A level biology but can’t remember the reproductive cycle bits and hormone things…tsk. I’ve even illustrated a book about menstruation so you’d think I’d remember something !! Might ask bcn

Hi All

Only just discovered this website - so relieved that there is somewhere so supportive to discuss problems/issues/fears etc. I had a lumpectomy end June & started Tamoxifen middle of July before 15 sessions of Rad that finished at the end of August. I dont seem to have had any side effects from Tamoxifen so far (I’ve been taking Starflower for years to lessen the night flushes- I’m 63) I see my ONC on Monday - for the ‘wash up’ session I suppose, before I go back into the ‘system’ My only concern at the moment is that my breast is still quite tender and has quite a large area of ‘hardness’ I dont know if its the operation or the radiotherapy. Has anyone else had similar symptoms?

Lindy Lou

hi Lindy Lou
Am glad you aren’t having any side effects -that’s encouraging news ! I think the hardness is very common from what I gather and is probably scar tissue/rads damage - mine is like this. You can always ask your bcn and certainly ask your onc. Am sure you will be seen regularly and aren’t being dismissed after this visit - I believe oncs and surgeons alternate seeing you afterwards- I guess the frequency differs from hospital to hospital.

forgot to say - this period seems to be short and light, if anyone’s interested :wink:

Thanks for your comment Chipper - much appreciated
Sometimes its difficult to know what is usual & paranoia!!! I must admit reading the comments has certainly made me feel more confident.

Thanks again
Lindy Lou

Ha lucky you chipper! Mine arrived yesterday, 2 days late, and is the heaviest one I’ve ever had… Hope it ends soon.

hope I’m not speaking too soon !!

Hello all. I am new to the website but have found lots in common with many. I have been on Tamoxifen-don’t know which brand- I’ll check later- for about 6 weeks now; FEC chemo and 20 radiotherapy sessions done. I am experiencing night sweats every 2 hours regular but they are generally just mildly annoying- I fan myself for 5 minutes then go back to sleep. But these past 3 days I have noticed my body exhibiting the symptoms of wanting to have a period, and I am confused! My periods stopped after cycle 3- fine by me- and I assumed from what little literature I read that the Tamoxifen would probably mean no more periods. Nothing yet but I feel bloated and tender and have been sweating during the day as well- very attractive not. After my chemo, I started- with my oncologist’s approval- back on supplements of Vitamin B complex, starflower oil and ginseng/ginko and zinc. I have also been applying progesterone cream. And walking daily for an hour whenever I can, or back to the gym. Period no period, sweat no sweat. Any help would be welcome.

Hi Teecee
Welcome to the website! Hope you find it useful and supportive ( I do!)
As you may gather from previous posts, I am one month in to Tamoxifen treatment and my period arrived as normal ( well a bit later and heavier than normal actually, but has now ended after 4 days).
I think other people have found the same thing.
I have not had chemo, so cannot compare notes on that, but my friend who is three years post dx, says her periods stopped during chemo but have come back as normal now that she is on Tamoxifen.
It does seem weird to me as well. I was hoping that Tamox would mean no more periods but I can’t say I really understand how it works or what it actually does!
Hope to hear from you again

Anna x