tandem skydive

Hiya everyone,
I dont actually post very often but wanted to share this with you all. On saturday my friends and myself did a tandem skydive for BCC. It was an absolutely amazing experience!! The instructors were very good (and quite fit too, which helps when you are bieng strapped very tightly to them) and I cannot descibe the feeling of freefalling at 125 miles per hour apart from WOW. I am 4 years post diagnosis and would never, in my wildest dreams, have imagined that I would be doing this! Anyone who has thought about it, but thinks they might not do it, GO FOR IT, it is the most unique experience of a lifetime, we also raised £1400 for BCC with money still coming in.

Sue xx

Hi Sue,

you mad fool!!! Blimey you are soooo brave. I don’t think I could ever imagine being brave enough to do a skydive!

Anyway, good on 'ya and how awesome you managed to raise so much money.
