
Hi I’m new here, has anyone had this procedure.

I am having this on 29th March and was interested to see if anyone else has had it.

I am having a lumpectomy & this one off radiotherapy while in surgery.

12mm Invasive ductal carcinoma Grade 2 ER 8/8 PR 8/8 HER2 negative E-Cadherin positive 

Hi Katitkins,

Welcome to Breast Cancer Now Forum, we hope you’re finding it useful.

I am sorry you haven’t had any response yet. I am hoping my response will help our members to see your post and share their experience and advice.

In the meantime, please remember that for any clinical questions, our breast care nurses are here and happy to talk things through.

Sending you our best wishes,


I really wanted to have this and pursued it (which meant trying to get transferred to Winchester), but was ultimately persuaded that with a triple negative cancer, I needed whole breast radiotherapy. It’s only offered at the handful of hospitals in the original trial. If I had been able to have it, I would have gone for it - reduced risk of collateral damage! 

Hi Katitkin

I’m newly diagnosed with cancer and still waiting to see the specialist doctor. I read about TARGIT-IORT treatment which I think is suitable for me, but not sure if it’s offered in France.

If you care to share your experience of this treatment, I would greatly appreciate it. Take care.

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I guess the TARGIT-IORT treatment is not widely used yet. My lumpectomy is tomorrow. Then two weeks of waiting to see what treatment I would be getting. The surgery does not worry me. It is the waiting and the final diagnosis that is most bothering!