
I was diagnosed last year on my left side. I had a Mx and ANC. Then earlier this year I had my right Mx elective as risk reduction. I decided against recon and instead have embarked on having a tattoo. I have had two sessions so far and I have concentrated on my good side first. I am a bit concerned about any risks to having my left side done so am doing it slowly. I have seen some very old posts re tattoos. Is there anyone out there with any stories, advice? Any comments welcome.

I had a WLE Feb 2013. My nipple was removed, my surgeon did a marvellous job of setting me up for a tattoo when I was ready. 3 weeks ago I had it done and I am really pleased with the result. It was a little darker at first, I was told it would be! Now it has faded into the correct shade. He also did a 3D effect nipple,this too is very  effective. The area is numbed whilst it is being done, and is covered over for a week, so you don’t get it wet. You get a thin scab which gradually disappears revealling the correct colour. Hope this helps.

Having my first session of tattooing next saturday il let you know how it goes xx

Hi  Ive just had my reconstructed breast tattooed with a cherry blossom design - not finished yet as i have at least another 2 hours to go but so happy with the result.  Happy to share photos with anyone who wants them.  

Best thing ive done.


best wishes

Ooh, me too please! Seeing surgeon in November and as long as he says I’ve healed enough, I’m going to have a cherry blossom type tattoo around the side of my boob where the scar is. Would love to see some actual pictures :slight_smile:

