Hi ladies
sorry about the morbid title but…
I’ve had a tax bill for over £700 + could either just pay it using what bit of money I have left from mypay off at work. Or I could arrange a payment plan for about £5-10 per month. My question is, will this debt be written off when I die? Or will it be passed on to my dh?
If it will stand after death then I’d rather just pay it as much as I’d rather not, as it will be one less thing for the family to think about. But if it’ll be written off, i’d rather pay the minimum especially given my recently deteriorating prognosis 
can anyone advise? I naturally don’t want to call the tax office as they are hardly likely to advise me on how to avoid the payment!
Thanks alot in advance ladies
tina x
Good Morning! I suspect that any debt due to the Inland Revenue is payable by the person who inherits your estate. I am not sure, but you often hear of poor old arito’s having to sell of a few Rubens and Picaso’s to pay off Daddy’s tax bills… If they can’t work it, with their connections and legal advice what hope do us mortals have? Hopefully someone more knowledgable than I come along soon and give you proper advice!! Have a good day, x
Hi Gingerbud,
I’m sorry you are having to think about things like his at the moment, I’m sure it is something you can do without.
Have you thought about getting some advice from your local Citizens Advice or Macmillan? They are likely to know current legislation/rules etc.
I hope you get it sorted and really hope that you don’t have to pay but as Horsie has said the Treasury isn’t always as sympathetic as us!
Take care
I just did a google on it and found this:
Not good news I’m afraid 
As long as there is any money in your estate (ie you don’t die penniless) then HMRC will persue the debt from your estate.
If your money is tied up - say in a house - then HMRC will not be so aggressive and will wait a bit longer for payment.
Thanks for the prompt + very helpful replies ladies. Very kind of you to help.
I had thought as much but didn’t want to shoot myself in the foot so-to-speak+ pay the bill if it wouldn’t be chased up.
Think I’ll just send off a cheque later tday + then I can forget about it.
Many thanks again
tina x
Tina - another alternative would be to ask them to amend your tax code to collect it over the next year. That’s what I’ve done although I am appealing it on the grounds HMRC failed to act on info from the DWP and gave incorrect info to my pension provider so they in turn couldn’t apply the correct code. Not a chance in hell of success but was on a mission when writing the letter!!