Taxol and carboplatin upfront

Is anyone else out there having taxol and carboplatin before EC/FEC ?? I am due to start and have been warned that the weekly regime is pretty grim and wondered how others have coped with this and what I might expect. Think my regime is a new trail ie weekly rather than 3 weekly

Thanks for any info

I was told weekly was less grim, in terms of side effects. I opted for three weekly, only because I wanted to have at least one week of feeling great, ish.


I will be starting weekly Taxol on 30 October together with herceptin every 3 weeks. I have been told that the weekly regime has less side effects than 3 weekly, although I did not get a choice because I have an over active immune system, so the idea is to give me a lower dose but more frequently. I will let you know how I get on.

Hi I was wondering as I am also on weekly taxol (12 weeks- had 3rd today) what happened with your journey. If I understand correctly carbo doesn’t normally cause hair loss and I’ve read mixed reports re weekly taxol. Some say you lose all hair and body hair, some say none or just thinning. I haven’t had he usual EC some have so I still have my hair: also wondered how the side effects faired during and towards the end of treatment. I’ve recently had a upper and lower resp infection so not felt the best and think it’s the abx that’s made me feel awful and very nauseous this week. I’m generally fatigued but continue to walk the dogs an average of 3 miles a day. Current issues of lower abdo cramps as if I need to run to the loo and red face flush along with recent mouth dryness, sore throat (got difflam) and ulcers. Many thanks - hope you are doing ok now x

Awh that’s fantastic news. My hair is thin and fine and I haven’t opted for the cold cap. Good luck with things and here’s to a healthy cancer free future xx