
After 4 FEC I had my first taxol on Thursday - it was wonderful not to feel sick and Friday I felt really good. Talk about pride before a fall. Saturday all my lower limbs were in such screaming pain - I could not walk and I was in agony. The paramedics had to come and give me morphine. Today it is still the same, still in agony except for the morphine taking the edge off. It is the first day off work I have missed. Is there anyone out there on Taxol who has had this and can reassure me it will not continue like this!.

Penn, I had Paclitaxel, type of Taxol, I didn’t have pain to the same extreme as you have, at its worst I could take paracetomol and it was ok, but i did find it only lasted about 2 to 3 days. Most ladies I have spoken to said much the same. It does ease off in a few days. Also speak to your onc, I think they can reduce your Taxol dosage, or give you better pain control for next time.
Hope it eases soon for you. Like you said, on the plus side, you don’t feel nearly so sick on it!!! And the steroids make you feel hyperactive for the first day or so.

Take care

I had a lot of pain at about 4 days. It was like having pins stuck randomly over my body but mainly my arms and legs. No pain killers seemed to help and the only relief i got was soaking in a hot bath. But to reassure you, the following 3 cycles were nowhere near as bad and overall much better than AC. The one thing i did find helped was a heat pad I bought from Argos. I also decided to take the lorazapan i’d been prescribed for before chemo, to help me sleep at night.

Hi Penn,
I had Taxol last year and did suffer terrible bone pains but mostly was OK with the extra-strong painkillers from onc. I never had to resort to the paramedics, thank goodness, but on a couple of occasions was in such pain I couldn’t sleep and spent the night pacing and moving like in labour, just trying to get comfortable.
Do ask for something stronger, and best of luck for next time
Jacquie x

My GP came out and prescribed Voltarol and co-codamol to be taken together and they did work.Onc suggested I start taking them before the pain started on 2nd cycle.I didnt and never had pain from rest of tax only the first one.

I had TAXOL in 2001 and can still remember the joint pain in my knees.

The breast care nurse warned us that the pain would start after a couple of days and to make sure we were prepared !!

I’m now suffering with a very sore left knee, I had an arthroscopy done 2 years ago, he said I have arthritis in the joint, and need to have something else done again now. The doctor I saw this time at the hospital says I’m still too young (53) to have joint problems but there is a lot of deteriation and will need replacement surgery.

I’ve always said my knee problems started when I had TAXOL.

Hi, I started the first of 6 taxol on thursday. What pain in my joints, spent the last two nights pasing around not been able to get comfortable. Feeling better today and optomistic to hear that the pain may not be so bad on the second cycle. Had a problem with constipation which has made me very irritable anyone else had that?

I am also a borderline diabetic and the steroids pushed up my blood sugars so thirsty all the time can any one suggest what to eat / drink to lower the sugars?

Thank you for all your comments - you have given me so much hope. The pain is easing and I am decreasing the morphine but so tired and yes I have constipation too but I had that with the FEC and I would rather have that than the other way round although it is painful. Eating plums by the bucketful! Thanks Horace for the painkiller details - I will ask my GP. At least I might not dread the next 3 lots as much after your comments. Thanks