taxotere and eating

Hi all, I had first Taxotere 2 weeks ago (after 3 FEC which I was lucky enough to sail through) and can’t believe how few things I’m able to eat. the first week was just chew as quickly as possible then swallow with a glass of water. It is slightly better now but would welcome any advice or suggestions as to what would taste good. i have Readybrek (with half milk, half water) for breakfast & lunch then struggle through dinner. I’ve found I can eat dry Yorkshires, bacon, avocado and peas. Can’t touch most veg, chocolate, tomatoes, butter, apples or cereal. I really miss my food!

It’s horrible isn’t it? I found I could taste pineapple chunks and roast chicken - that was about it. Didn’t think of it at the time, but I wonder if stewed apples would be nice?

Snap… tried eating everything, the only think that was palatable was crispy bacon, almost burnt. Am taking fintys advice re chicken, have TAX number 2 tomorrow so will keep you updated.
Have bought ginger ale in the hope that this will taste ok as even water is horrid.

I had a terrible time with fec, but on Tax had a radical diet change as I felt like that horrible feeling in my mouth was my liver tryig to detox.

I think loads of water and trying to cut out all salt really helped. My mouth went from a white, furry messback to a pink, healthy tounge in a few days after each tax.

hi im having my 3rd tax next week i like sweet and sour chicken currys are gud to do u you like grilled black pudding with your bacon i just nibble till everything till i find what i can taste not a good option as the pounds on the scales keep going up.

Apetiser was plush to drink. Water awful. LemonAde ok ish too. Foodwise, freezing cols icecreamwent down quick and too cold to taste so Bad! Rice krdpies with freezing milk. Cold squshy fruit like nylon and strawberries. Quavers.onion and garli c dip with marm pitta bread. More soup. Everthing was hard for two weeks then the last week ws ok. Just had second tax today. Good luck,


Thanks everyone. Have only joined the site this week and am so impressed with all the support. Have found pineapple good and done a curry for tonight. Will try the rest at weekend before doing battle again next week! Weight goes between 8st 5lb and 9st each week but not bothering about that for now. Will be my old glamourous self again in a few months. lol. good luck to all xx

Quick update ladies…
Unfortunately had a severe alergic reaction to second TAX (Docetactol) yesterday, so having to go back next week and change to Abraxane - I will update if taste is an issue with this one, really hope not… on a positive note, hoping that this week with out chemo and drugs I will be able to eat.
Hope you are all finding at least a few foods that are palatable

Soup & vanilla ice cream. Full stop.

Hi All
I had my first tax on thurs and as yet my tastes buds seem normal.
After Fec I couldn’t taste anything properly for at least 10 days.
I’m just wondering if my taste buds are normal now is there any chance of it changing over next few days.
Hope your all coping
chris xx

hi chris, yes my taste went from day 4 - as well as my energy and my whole digestive system!! everything to me tastes of cardboard - and not enjoyable to eat - just chewing nothing really. I am now on day 10 taste still vague but getting better. I can eat ice cream love the coldness on my tongue and mouth - also Jelly, and triful are nice too (things I never ate at all before). I can’t stand any sort of dairy milk, yoghurts etc though which is strange. drink wise everything tastes foul. even plain water. struggling to find a drink but have found that coke isn’t that bad and if you let it go flat (thanks sandra) don’t get the gassyness in your stomach. I have started sucking on fruit gums too and they aren’t too bad… xx

Hi Saffronseed.
Thanks for the reply.
I was unable to drink or taste things properly off fec, but did manage to drink lime with lemonade with the last fec. I didn’t enjoy a cup of tea until 2 weeks later.
I found if I ate strong tasting foods it got rid of the horrible taste in mouth.
I’ve also got more energy upto now off tax and have even managed a mile and half walk last night and today.
I’ll keep fingers crossed that this isn’t a false sense of security.
Hope your tastes buds come back soon
Chris x