Hello this is my first post but I’ve been reading the boards for a few months.
Had right MX with ANC on 29th Nov. 2/10 nodes affected. Started with 4 FEC on 10th Jan. which went ok, with help of steroids, antacids, laxatives, anti-emetics. Usually felt a bit nauseous and tired for a few days but managed to carry on pretty much as normal and had a good appetite. I’m lucky that I don’t work and my kids are old enough to look after themselves if i’m not at my best so no stress which I’m sure makes things much easier.
Had my 1st Tax yesterday and so far feeling fine. I’m on steroids and anti-emetics for the 1st 3 days. I’m wondering whether anyone has found it not too bad or is this just the calm before the storm? Should I start taking painkillers soon as what I’ve read on here seems to indicate that everyone suffers severe joint pain or do some escape?
Great news that you’re over halfway through now! FEC DONE!
Tax SEs do take a few days to arrive - but it’s wonderful not to feel queasy anymore isn’t it? I didn’t suffer from pain at all on Tax. I was tired, my hot flushes increased and the hard skin on my feet peeled off - but that was all totally manageable. I hope you don’t have any horrid SEs but I would take it easy for the first one - then with the next sessions you’ll know what to expect and know how much you can push yourself.
Another one who didn’t suffer too badly from Tax. Any pain I had was caused by the Neulasta jab I had after each one. I got the tax trots mildly from day 4 for a few days and had watery eyes and a few minor nose bleeds. As Sandytoes has said, it was the tiredness that was the main SE.
I didn’t paint my nails and didn’t lose any either!
yes you can get through Tax I actually worked through it - The SE effects for me were generally constipation which i was able to manage and fatigue which is more difficult to control as it does build up over the cycles. I felt ok most of the time - but I knew once the steriods stopped the next 3/4 days I would feel rubbish so I was able to plan them into my working shcedule. I realise that not everyone has the sort of job where you can do this - but I needed the normality that ‘work’ gave me. I did feel that by the 3rd week of each cycle I felt ok and I booked myself treats for those weeks (weekends away) took leave days off work for days out etc - as it nice to have something to look forward to on the days when you do feel a bit poorly. Tax does seem to effect everyone differently though - it is a strong chemo so you do need to keep an eye on yourself, your diet and your temperature - you should get through it ok xxx
I’m yet another who worked all through chemo - 3FEC and 3Tax - and who lost no nails and had no major problems. Tax finished off my eyelashes and eyebrows which had survived FEC (all other hair having gone, but began to reappear during Tax), I had watery eyes and a runny nose, but was spared the trots. The neulasta gave me some bon eopain but nothing other the coutner pain killers couldn’t deal with. As others have said, by the end of chemo I was quite tired, but overall got off very lguhtly. Some of us are just ‘lucky’ I guess? Hope your se’s are teensy weensy but the efficacy mega.
Hi Chocy,
I’m on TAX now and due another no2 tomorrow. The SE I have had so far are sore mouth with a horrid coating on tongue, tax trots and a grippy stomache and the tiredness. I did have some achy bones but that was done to neulasta injections but didn’t feel the need for any analgesia.
You could join us in Jan thread and see what the other girls have to say about tax. There are quite a few of us who are having second tax this week.
I’m relieved to hear that some people find the Tax not too bad. I have my final FEC next week ( and what a relief that will be to finish) so maybe I will get an easier ride with the change in drugs.
In addition to the support and shared experiences here I am posting a couple of links to other BCC support services and information sources you may find helpful:
Hi Chocy,
I’m another who has found TAX easier than the bad press it gets. I’ve only had the 1 so far, but have my 2nd on Friday.
Main se’s have been loss of taste buds and things tasting soapy; drippy nose that also bleeds when blown; dry sore skin on hands and feet that peels. General tiredness, but nothing that has stopped me doing quite a bit of walking - feet permitting.
My only advice would be to drink plenty of water - and then some, especially in the first week.
I didn’t actually venture onto forums during my treatment so honestly didn’t know about Taxotere’s reputation. I had 3 FEC first and then 3 Tax and noticed practically no difference. I also had the Neulasta jabs each time. Looking back at the notes I made at the time, if anything I tolerated Tax slightly better and felt more ‘normal’ slightly more quickly after each dose compared to FEC. My nails did go a bit manky and my nose and eyes were runny but nothing serious and in my opinion a small price to pay if the stuff was doing its job. No joint aches, no ‘trots’, no mouth problems.
Of course people who suffer tolerable side-effects are less likely to post onto forums so while you may read a lot about joint aches etc., don’t forget there are plenty of others who do not suffer in this way. On-line forums definitely are useful for comparing notes and gaining support but please don’t think that everything you read is “typical” or “common”.
I was fine on tax but not so on FEC, I ended up having 5 rounds of taxotere and 1 round of FEC due to them finding secondaries, the tax does affect you but I did’nt feel sick once on it and only really suffered when having to take the steroids. Other SE included both hands and feet feeling numb still do and I finished chemo last July but the numb feeling is wearing off now. Fec was my nightmare, projectile vomiting absolute nightmare.
Thanks so much for all the feedback and kind wishes.
Sandytoes it certainly is wonderful not to feel queasy anymore.
As PuffyWhiteClouds says I hoped that maybe people who didn’t suffer too much tend not to post and if I asked I might get some stories which would make me feel a bit more positive about Tax. So your replies are much appreciated.
Sue, I’m a keen hiker and managed to walk every week during FEC apart from after treatment 2 and that was mainly due to my son being sick and giving me the excuse to stay home with him. I’m hoping to keep going during Tax but we’ll just see how I feel. Good luck for Friday.
I’m actually in Norway so I’m not sure if I can use the BBC services but thanks for the links.
I notice that several of you mention Neulasta injections. Is that standard for everyone in the UK? I haven’t heard any mention of it here.
Anne, good luck with Tax 2 tomorrow.
Take care everyone. These boards are a wonderful resource.
I finished my chemo at the end of November 2011 I had 4 x EC and 4 X TAX. Before I started Taxotere I started a thread asking for positive things about TAX. I think the end result was that some people have a pretty bad time with it, and some don’t. I suffered a bit, lost finger nails and damage to nerve endings on fingers and toes. All my remaining hairs vanished, eyebrows, eyelashes, nasal hair etc so constant watery eyes and runny nose. Bone pain after neulasta jab and skin peeling from feet and hands. All a dim and distant memory now. I think you will find that the people who didn’t have any problems with Taxotere don’t tend to post on here so you will get a majority of people responding with problems they experienced. I kept a diary throughout and it does seem like a bad dream when I read it now.
You asked about Neulasta jab (to boost immunity). I was treated on the NHS in UK and this was given to me as a matter of routine. I suffered from no infections and none of my treatment was delayed as my bloods were always fine - of course I’ll never know if this was because of the Neulasta jab or other factors. I understand that in some health authorities in the UK it is not given routinely but only given for subsequent chemo cycles if a patient’s white blood cell count proves to be low when they go back for their 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. chemo cycle or if they contract a lot of infections.
Not sure if it’s standard practice to give Neulasta jabs in the private sector in UK - maybe someone can advise?
Very best of luck with the Taxotere and I hope you are one of the many people who find it no worse than FEC and maybe even better.
Hi Chocy,
As Puffywhiteclouds says, neulasta is given as standard on NHS in the UK if you are having Taxotere as it REALLY hammers your white cells. However, as with all drugs it carries risk, has side effects and is quite expensive (something like £700 - £1000 a go), so not given out lightly. At least some people with private health care seem to be offered it with FEC (and others)too… the NHS don’t routinely offer it with FEC as most people will get through without becoming dangerouisly neutropenic. For comparison, I understand that in the US a lot of medical insurance does not cover neulasta jabs as it is not deemed essential over there.
I also managed to continue Hiking whilst on FEC - spent quite a bit of time up in our Lake District which is a beautiful mountainous hiking area in the north of England, easily managing 8/10 mile hikes without any problems.
The only problem came befor my first TAX when I got a bruise underneath my big toenail - thik this was caused by my good old faithful and very comfy hiking boots! This has put a halt to serious hikes, but I’ve still been managing 5 mile walks. To add insult to injury, I got blisters under the balls of my feet from my walking saddles, and suspect that was because the effects of chemo has made my skin softer. TAX has also caused my hands to peel and for a while the soles of my feet were sore too.
It’s very frustrating as I am fit to resume more serious hikes, but you do need good feet for that! Grrrr.
Not everyone in the uk gets Neulasta, it depends upon the Onc I think, I’ve had it right through with FEC and now TAX . My bloods have been excellent so far.
I have family over in Bergen, we had hoped to visit this year, but with all this…
Hi All,
Another one who was fine on Tax. I had 3FEC, and 3Tax. Yes, it can really wipe you out for a few days of each cycle, but I found I felt a lot less sick and dizzy than I had done on the FEC. I was told to take painkillers before the aches got too bad, as it easier to control pain before it gets a grip. I also found an electric heat pad great for aching bones. My nails were damaged, but held on in there (with no dark varnish).
Best of luck xxx
I had Neulasta on FEC& Tax as treated privately, the local PCT does not routinely prescribe it for either FEC or tax. My main problem on tax was aching limbs and tax tummy, eyebrows&lashes went, constantly dripping nose! I only had 2 sessions as I had an allergic reaction. It may take a few days for the SE’s to kick in.
I was told not to use dark polish as my Onc doesn’t believe it makes any difference, but mainly because they don’t want anything going on underneath ie infections that can’t be seen because of the polish.
It’s early days for me, TAX2 tomorrow, but my finger and toe nails ( excepting big toe that bruised under the nail befor starting TAX) are all good, infact they actually seem stronger than usual and no sign of blemishes or discolouration.
Just to clarify, I had Neulasta after each of my chemo doses, FEC and Tax. Routinely prescribed on the NHS in my health authority area in England. It wasn’t until later that I realised that some people weren’t offered it in other parts of the country. Chocy - perhaps it is available under the system where you’re being treated in Norway? Worth asking if it’s something you’d like to access but as has been said by others, it also has side-effects - although nothing serious for me personally. I have heard of people who continued with chemo but ditched the Neulasta because of side-effects of the latter.