Taxotere as only chemo treatment for new primary

I have been told I will have Taxotere 3 weekly for 4-6 cycles, depending on how my body copes. The list of effects is terrifying. I had FEC+ two other chemo’s plus rads in 2004/4 this time the cancer is worse but cannot have the same chemo but will have rads again same as before. My oncologist said to paint my toe & fingernails in dark red varnish to protect the nails througout chemo, never heard this before.
I have read postings on here of others having Taxotere directly after other chemo’s anyone else had it as a solitary chemo with a 2nd primary?

Hey bizzy lizzy,
I remember being terrified of starting chemo again. I am having taxotere too, but with carboplatin. Like you was told it would be 4-6, although now I have had 4 it seems to be 6. Again, like you couldnt have the same chemo as before. I was treated for first primary 2009-2010, had 4 ec and 4 taxol.
I found it a really hard time. Was very emotional and up-and-down. Just wasnt sure I could do it all again. The way I coped was to break it down into small bits and take it one step at a time. Now, I am more than half way through and although it has been tough, you get through it. I also had surgery during chemo which really took it out of me. And yet, I had a few days before my ls cycle when I felt really good. I am telling you this ot hopefully give you some hope that you too can do this!
I am sending you lots of positive thoughts and encouragement.
Rattles x

Hi bizzy lizzy,
I had 6 x taxotere in 2008 as single chemo treatment for a local/regional recurrence. Also had surgery, rads and herceptin. I had previously had 6 x FEC + rads in 2004 for primary. The tax was not a barrel of laughs but quite do-able, although like you i was terrified by the long list of SE’s - but I kept all my nails, didn’t paint them though I’ve heard others on here who have. It’s unlikely you’ll get all the listed SE’s. I managed to keep working through my tax though had the first week of each cycle off. There is a thread on here called “I need positive posts about TAX” which I know lots of people contributed. Hope it all goes well. xxx

Hi bizzylizzy,
I had my primary in 2000. The cancer recurred in 2009 but this year I had further recurrence and have had to have chemo. I’ve had 6 Taxotere. Has been hellish to say the least btween flu symptoms, sore throat, sore mouth, tingling and numbness in my fingers, sore nails, the trots and the most awful smelly wind ever. I wore nail polish a lot of the time but my nails are stilled wrecked. When I told the onc that the drug produced terrible side effects he said that it was also a very good drug and that I should get a long remission from it. But how long is long. The main thing is that it works but I know that I found having chemo a bit daunting cos I’d had 4 Epirubicin and 4 CMF in 2000. Sometimes my 3rd week was really good.
Remenber that we’re all individuals and you may not suffer all of the SEs. Good luck as you start your treatment. I’ll keep watching to see how you’re getting on with it.
chrisp1e xxx

I might be wrong but I think sometimes there is an option to ahve this weekly rather than 3 weekly and that can be gentlrer on you but you need to talk to the Onc about that it is different regime…

Hi again,
I had been unable to login to this site since Monday but did get your replies via my email, thank you all for this.
I have realised that I put the wrong treatment in for 2003/4 - I had EPI & CMF same as you Chrisp1e - I was going by memory (obviously not good! hahah) rather than looking up.
I am feeling better about things after reading all the posts & although still very frightening if you can all do it so can I! and I now feel more prepared. I have a meeting on Monday with the chemo team so hopefully other questions can be answered then.
Not a choice is it? we just have to bite the bullet & get on with whatever we can.
Love & hugs to you all.
Sandie xxxx