Taxotere - Docetaxal Question

hello ladies,

I am starting tax this wednesday… Today treated myself for a pedicure and a foot massage and bought a Aesop resurrection aromatique hand balm which I keep putting on my cuticles and hands and feet! I think I am most scared of having painful nails that trun blue and fall off!! I am promising to my nails 100% care, love and attention if they stay where they are and stay painfree.

Good luck to everyone having their tax this week.

Sending you all a big hug :slight_smile: xxx

Good luck everyone on Tax! I finished mine almost seven weeks agao and am slowly starting to feel human again.

Make the most of those couple of SE-free days after chemo. the only SE that kicked in more quickly was the peculiar mouth and I found that happened whilst the Tax was actually being administered so it was prettyy much instant.

It took about five weeks for my sense of taste to come back fully after my last dose and I’ve had a truly awful cold almost ever since, so guess what - no sense of taste!!!

My nails look more peculiar by the day - they look as if they’re lifting from the tips. Not pretty, but not black and blue at least. They feel “unstable” though, so I don’t know if I’ll keep them or not.

Hugs to all - it will come to an end, honest!

Jane xxx

Thanks foring your experiences with us Jane,

I hope your nails would stay and get stronger soon. I hope tiredness isnt going to too bad.. I got a friends` bday coming up in early June!:slight_smile:


I had my first Taxotere on Tues 14th. The steroids really helped for the first few days but on Friday it was like I’d been hit by a lorry. Barely able to move, ached, pins and needle type pains in legs, felt tearful.Funny taste and a little queasy but overall sickness better than CMF/Epi.
Inside of nose sore and scabby. Sorry.
Feeling slightly better today, think I’m ready for a rest now.

I too like the fact that it is administerd via a bag rather than a nurse with a lge syringe.
It’s good to know that what I’m experiencing is pretty normal.
Good luck to all on Tax or about to start.
Julie x

I’m having my second TAX tomorrow. I had 6 x FEC last year which I practically sailed through with very few nasty side effects except fatigue and constipation.
I too have dosed up on Lactulose this time cos I hate that feeling of being stuffed from the neck down with constipation! It seems to work better than the stuff the hospital prescribed.
I had terrible leg pains day 3 and 4 after first TAX and paracetemol didn;t even take the edge off so I got the onc to prescribe Tramadol for this time which should help. Mouth was very sore for about a week but so far my nails don’t hurt so thats a bonus!
Good luck to you tomorrow El Katrano and anyone else going through it. We can do this!

Thanks Buzzy - dreading the unknown tomorrow as I don’t know how I’ll react to a new regime, I’ve had 3 EC. I’ve had the following SEs on EC:

  1. Constipation from hell - resulting in a (nice) anal fissure and a haemorrhiod that is untreatable other than creams which are not working brilliantly.

  2. Burning throat, indigestion, acid reflux - have to sleep sat up to ease the burning as is worse when laid down.

  3. HOrrible taste in mouth

  4. Change in food tastes - most things taste weird (and it’s different every time as well. Annoying as I love cooking and eating)

  5. Exhaustion

  6. Sleeping problems for 9/10 days

  7. Vein Sclorosis - brusied feeling arm and cording

  8. Last session I got extreme blurred vision for 2 days, couldn’t see tele properly or read - sporadic, eye drops sorted this out, of course it happened at a weekend… great as my unit shut at weekends so have to travel miles and then wait hours.

  9. Dry Skin

  10. Period blood stopped but still get a lot of the pains and things going on down there (could be due to PCOS and Fibroid I have) Glad to not have the heavy awful periods I had as they made me very ill.

I think that’s it. HTe worst thing has been the awful taste in mouth as nothing seems to improve this and I’m stuck with it, Oh and the burning throat doesn’t seem better despite whatever I take for it, it is really horrible and stops me sleeping when I do manage to drop off it wakes me up.

I have my 1st TAX on the 30th of June, and my sons 13th birthday on the 4th july,so basically, are people saying that over the weekend i should feel “normal”, and therefore give my son his bday afew days early, so we can enjoy together?

Hi charlotte e,

I’ve had two lots of tax both on a Wednesday and I’d say that my worst days have been the following Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
My SE’s have not been too bad but I have spent most of each first weekend on the sofa or ‘pottering’ gently!
If you’re having Tax on a Thursday you will probably still be feeling fine, or even energetic from your steroids on the Saturday so perhaps that would be a good day to celebrate?

Wishing your son a very happy birthday!


OK thats a go for the saturday then… which gives me two less days to get ready… maybe he wouldnt mind if his bday was moved to september??? yeah right!

I too had the couple of good days described, so I’d think about Friday for the party! I was starting to go downhill by day 3… BUT, BUT… amazingly, this week I feel better. Not right, but better. Just fatigue and cotton wool… raw mouth gone, aches gone, depression gone… just feels like “normal” post-chemo, which is familiar territory. I think what I struggled with last week was the unknown. I had learned how to “manage” the se’s of FEC, and you have to learn all over again for Tax, only you’re more tired. Hope all goes well for folk… hang on in there…Jane

You sound as fed up as I have been on this! Had my 4th and final one yesterday and have been trying to google whether they actually gave me my reduced dose as already feeling dodgy. I’ve had oral thrush every time, which is vile! Just hoping it’s not going to be a cumulative thing and the last one be the worst . Oh well, it’s in the system and it’ll do what it’ll do. Just got to think of it as battering what it’s supposed to be battering! People keep telling me I’m strong too and sometimes you just can’t be arsed tbh. Legs starting to ache already so not feeling particularly strong at the moment! Moan over, thanks for putting up with the winge.