Taxotere- hair loss

Hey just had “great” news that i have to go back on chemo to sort out lump in lypmh node- anyhoos Taxotere been suggested to me-I have 6 x FEC first time around- Ladies side effetcs Of Taxotere? I know all different just asking for your experiences please. Thanks lynnc

Hi Lynne
just finished 3 fec and 3 tax on wednesday , just feeling wired as am still on the steroids. As they doubled my dexamethasone steroid on tax I found it hard the first time around coming down off them and felt totally wiped out for 48 hrs but second time around onc gave me 5 days extra supply to wean me off them gradually and it worked great. I am just on 2 twice a day now for several days instead of 4 twice a day.
Firs time had loss of sensation in fingers , not second time . I think the body just gets used to it. Lack of taste , constipation… all manageable though. I was given lansaparazole second time around too to combat indigestion/heartburn caused by the steroids. Wish I’d had them the first time !

Have never felt sick at all but didnt feel sick on fec.

Its a quickie reply but hope it gives ou someething to think about or ask the oncologist.
Cally x