Taxotere tummy, when to worry

Hi Ladies!

I had my firdt dose of Taxotere 10 days ago, and am still suffering so really tasty side effects.

My main problem is that I have the most awfully upset tummy, resulting in me not feeling able to go far from my nearest basthroom. My Onc nurse suggested Imodium on Thursday, but four days later things really aren’t much better

Has anyone else had this, or should I be worrying by now

Thanks, Rebecca


I had 4 days of terrible upset tummy. I went to my GP and he gave me immodium. I think it is always best to check with your GP/nurse. Dont leave it. My tummy did settle down.

Best wishes with the taxotere.

Fay :o)

Hi Rebecca

After my first tax dose I had terrible tummy and awful cramping etc etc

It started on day 3 and I found myself in hospital by day 5 with an infection and super high temp, I’d say watch your temp and go see the GP.

Take care

Ang xxx

I would say the same as Ang - that was one of my symptoms and I have just spent 4 days in the hospital- the tummy cramps and diahrroea are one the first signs of infection so keep a eye on temp and consultGP asap

margaret x