Teacher and chemo

How dare that person tell you what you should and shouldn’t be able to do.

They have no idea what drugs that person took or how often.

I’ve have EC and then Docetaxel and there is simply no way I could have worked full time throughout. I could have maybe done 3/4 weeks of that kind of work since mid-March and not predictably enough for a rota to be formulated and stuck to.

I’m so sorry that you’ve received such little support.

People are so ignorant. I even had an A&E nurse say “Oh, I didn’t realise Chemo was actually painful!” the other day :woman_facepalming:t2:

Chemo for breast cancer is horrific and exhausting and painful. The nausea (which everyone assumes is the worst part), is the smallest part of the whole thing. It’s physically and emotionally draining too. That’s before we even discuss the emotional side of having cancer and the battle that comes with that.

That woman and her comment need to fck the fck off.

Wow. That touched a nerve :flushed:


Physically, emotionally and mentally you might think work is a distraction and will help you but with infections being an every day worry id say dont

You need to look after you

In between treatments you are going to need to rest , have blood tests, take steroids which keep you awake for days, inject yourself which can make you ache and tired and have any PICC line flushed

Treatment effects become culmative so the first might be a breeze but by the 4th , 5th or more you are going to be very fatigued and thinking about work is an added stress you really don’t need

Ask your team to sign you off, apply for PIP if you need it and take care


I’m a nurse and my ward sister - who has also had treatment a long time ago - told me not to. It was 2021 too when covid was about.
I’m glad I didn’t and not to have the worry of if I was going to feel ok, struggle through or let my colleagues down.

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That’s a really good point on immunity. I missed all the school get togethers to protect myself and like you I didn’t fly through it was in bed a lot on the week I was treated. No way could I have worked.


I would take advice from your oncologist. I am a lecturer and I was advised that if I did work I would be risking exposure to all sort of infections which could then delay treatments. In reality chemo is about 15 weeks and so not that long to be away. I returned immediately after radiotherapy.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

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Hi @bluesatsuma

Firstly so sorry to hear that a person who hasn’t got cancer has said this to you!

Im a HLTA and I’ve not been in the classroom for a year as I’m still on Herceptin that can weaken my immune system. I had 12 weekly Paclitaxel and there was no way in hell that I would have been able to get up and go to work, let alone deal with 30 children from different households (imagine how many germs and infections can come from this)and the planning and preparation that is required to teach.

Everyone within my cancer centre rolls their eyes when you say I work in a school as it’s full of germs and infections. I know people encouraged better hygiene during and after Covid but by the time I was diagnosed last May, children ‘forgot’ to wash their hands after the loo and we’re merrily picking their noses and wiping it everywhere! Not to mention while I’ve been off there has been chicken pox, scarlet fever and measles all would floor you during chemotherapy. My school recently sent out a local health board letter offering all school staff the MMR as measles is so high.

I’ve decided to take redundancy and decide later down the line what I want to do. Herceptin finishes in September and I would like to do some nice things without worrying about appointments and catching infections.

As has already been said, my blood is boiling that someone dare say to you they knew someone who worked through their chemo. Was their friend also a teacher? I was on a monthly chemo starters group ( link below for June, it was great to be with people on the same journey) and some people did work a bit and their bosses were very flexible but they all worked from home, and known were full time.

You need to get through your treatment, take all the medication to stop sickness, diarrhoea etc, rest, eat when and what you can. I found that some medication made me so wired that I couldn’t sleep and then I felt so rough. Chemo can sometimes cause ‘Chemo Brain’ which means that you can become muddled, forget things, say totally the wrong thing, not something that can happen in a classroom.

You need to put yourself first, school and your job second. Do you have a union rep you could talk to? I would suggest that the suggestion that you can work through chemo is bullying and under the Equality Act 2010 you are now classed as disabled and it could be seen as discriminatory behaviour.

My oncology team were happy to sign me off work until my Herceptin finishes at the end of September and 6 weeks extra to allow my immune system to recover. I’m sure yours will too.

Again I’m so sorry :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I hear you @andreag - I’m a paediatric Occupational Therapist working with under 5’s…first thing my manager said to me was that it was too risky (as well as physically challenging) to continue to work. We don’t need any moral or emotional baggage from our employer at this time, just support :heart:


Hi I didn’t work through my chemo. Tbh I didn’t feel that great physically with the side effects and mentally I don’t think I could have coped with work. Although some people can and do work doesn’t mean it may be right for you. Good luck.


Thank you everyone. I think when it comes to it i will be signed off until after radiotherapy. I dont want to work through it as even if i can manage physically it will be very disruptive for the pupils and I could get ill too. :face_with_thermometer: Best thing is to get through it at home. Thanks all. I feel better knowing that you all understand. I hope you’re all doing well. Xxx


We are here for you when you need us and don’t forget to join the monthly chemo starters group.


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Thank you @naughty_boob. As soon as i know when i will join but reckon the speed things are going it’ll be August maybe. X

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@bluesatsuma I commented before but have been thinking more about this and honestly, I cannot imagine making any full time commitment to anything during cancer treatment. I’ve had my surgery, recovered from that and then am about to have my 5th cycle of 6 cycles of chemo.

The 1st cycle, I was incapable of most parts of life, let alone work. I am self employed so I did rock up and see some clients but it was literally just to show my face and make them think that everything was business as usual. I remember having to do payroll in that cycle (usually takes me an hour). It took me 6 hours because my brain just did not work. At all.

The useless brain has become even more useless throughout.

2nd and 3rd cycles of EC were better in most ways and I got a full one good week in the three week cycle. By good week, I mean that I could actually help with school runs and could maybe hoover them house or do some washing. I was also able to go to work for maybe one or two days in that week. I’m someone who does more than they should too.

My fourth cycle was a change of drug to Docetaxel. I have spent nearly a week of that in isolation for neutropenic sepsis. It’s not uncommon either. I’m now on bed rest to try and get my liver results and white blood cells in a fit state to be allowed the next chemo.

It’s literally a full time job getting well enough for the next chemo. Stress screws up white blood cells too so stress is literally the last thing you need.

What I’m trying to point out is that it is medically necessary for you to be able to recover. You need to not just cope and scrape through, you have to bounce back between cycles or they will not permit you to have your drugs because it’s dangerous if you’re not well enough.

A trend I see is women pushing to still be everything to everyone while battling cancer. I did it and I could keep it up for maybe one or two cycles of chemo but your body will kick your ass for trying.

You are not being weak in not being able to teach full time. It’s simply just not good for your health in any way, shape and form and you absolutely should not be made to feel like that is inadequate. It’s a wildly unrealistic expectation.

You need to beat cancer. That is your new job. It is a very boring job and a very frustrating one. But it’s worth doing properly with your full focus. It’s actually surprisingly rubbish lying in bed a lot and watching TV.



Hi @swk1981. Thanks for your detailed reply and you really do speak for most other people’s experience I expect. It sounds gruelling and although im nervous, I am raring to get started and get cancer done! My colleague was out of line really. She doesn’t know enough about it all and I plan to stay off totally. My husband is cross about the comments and feels I should complain, but I don’t intend to. It was coming from a good place, out of ignorance, and they recognised that I am someone who likes to work. Perhaps they thought I’d like to keep my mind busy…it really is busy enough right now! Thank you and best wishes for the last cycle xxx



I painted a very awful picture there but I just wanted you to see how consuming breast cancer treatment is. There are also some of the most beautiful moments ever in this giant sh*t show and some humbling lessons which you need time to ruminate on and process. Your entire outlook on a lot of things may change and it’s really not all bad at all.

I have three children (9, 12, 15) and at times I’ve all the patience in the world but chemo ravages your brain and you can forget your own kids name or the word chair or dog. In those moments, you can get quite frustrated. Other times you can feel utterly impatient and angry with the world. The next minute you’ll be the Dalai Lama. It’s a wiggly old road and you need the headspace to have patience with yourself. There are times where I feel so intolerant of my husband and kids and I love them. 30 children who aren’t yours would be the ultimate sensory overload at times.

Honestly though, the little nuggets of wisdom you get over the coming months are really quite amazing. I’ve taken the approach that this is my ultimate lesson as I need to pay attention because evidently, the way I was living before wasn’t working for my body and it’s kicking my ass to pay attention!

I agree about not complaining. Put your energy elsewhere. You have many more stupid comments to come from people in the coming months like “Thank god you’re so strong. You’ll absolutely beat cancer!” or “This keto-diet can cure cancer better than chemo!”. We should really create a Breast Cancer Bingo of comments people make so at least we can internally chuckle at them. X


You’ll probably meet a lot of well meaning but ignorant people as you go through this. I think it’s very hard to work whilst undergoing chemo unless you happen to have an exceptionally flexible job where you can work from home/set your own hours and you get lucky with side effects. I had 2 hospitalisations, once with neutropenic sepsis and once with possible c diff but my body just decided to pack it in and make me go to A&E on Friday, stay in at the weekend and go back to working on Monday because it clearly didn’t want to make me miss work. If I had been in a situation like yours I wouldn’t have even considered working.


@swk1981 thank you. I think my dalai llama moments will definitely be a welcome break from my staring into space moments! My kids are 9, 11 and 15, so virtually the same ages. I wondered how they’ve coped with your chemo? I’m not sure my 3 know what’s around the corner but my 2 older ones are anxious about my health. Good luck on the last part of chemo xxx

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Thank you @kartoffel. I definitely think you are right. I’d probably get do many infections off the pupils and would end up in hospital too. I will be following everyone’s advice. Hoping i can still manage some days out eith my family though xxx

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The kids have done great. We went for full disclosure but with “Unless something goes wrong, this should all end okay” rather than giving them exact percentages (80-85% cure rate). They know every detail of neutrophil counts and liver bone tests and have a real interest in it. The surgery wasn’t bothersome for them but the first chemo was a little scary as they’d never seen me wiped like that. I let them watch the injections to numb them to it and they’re a bunch of gruesome weirdos so they’re fine with it.

You’re still at the raw and scary bit. It gets easier with the kids as it goes on. Thank god it was Y10 for the eldest though and not Y11!!!

This has become their normal and we’ve managed plenty of days out during EC Chemo. Went to Badminton Horse Trials, bowling, horse racing, weddings. All either on steroid days or last week of the cycle days. Day 3-14 have not involved days out really at all!

But they come and lie in bed and watch movies and I have more time to listen than ever before and there are upsides to that.

I have a massive puzzle and puzzle roll that we pull out and do. I’ve become the housewife type Mum that I’ve never been able to be.

The baldness was the hardest moment for them I think. I shaved at about Day 20 of first cycle as hair was shedding so fast and I did three bunches and they each cut one and then they helped the hairdresser shave it. All they did was laugh about it and make it fun. It softened the whole thing by involving them.

My girls have helped choose endless head scarves and make it a fun fashion mission while my son (15) makes Gollum jokes and loves rubbing the soft baby hair that is growing in.

None of them are embarrassed about their little bald Mummy at all. I was surprised at that. I would have been if I’m honest. Oldest and youngest have told more friends while middle is more private about things. I only told parents in 9 year olds class as I wanted the party line from parents to be “Maggie’s Mummy has cancer but it’s curable!”. Haven’t really told parents (except ones I’m friends with) in the Y8 and Y10 ones as I wanted them to be choose which kids would know.

They’ve grown up. They’re nicer to each other and more understanding of the limitations of what we can and can’t do. I didn’t want them to learn this lesson this way but they’ve cut the crap a LOT which isn’t a bad thing. Their knowledge of science is through the roof now and it seems to give them security to understand that EC kills cells while Docetaxel affects cells differently so that our own bodies kill the cells. They understand why I have the side effects I do and that radiotherapy may burn me after the summer.

Not everyone agrees with full disclosure but it works for us. I have told my girls that they will be scanned earlier than most women to prevent it getting to the stage that mine did (lymph nodes) and that I’m having genetic tests (unlikely to come back as anything given family history) but it’s to keep them safe and prevent them ever needing the whole shebang like me.

It’s not a lesson we want for them but they’re nicer people for it so it’s really not all bad xx


Thank you @swk1981. That’s a fantastic help. We’ve also told our 3 the full details and they have been worried but accepting. Initially it was thought I’d need surgery and radiotherapy plus tamoxifen, but there were lymph nodes involved…only 2, so still not 100% if i will need chemo, but surgeon says it will be more likely as I’m in my 40s. My daughter will be in y11 and my anxious middle child is starting y7, so I’m keen to keep things as normal as possible. However, it will be good to be at home helping them more. You have made me feel better aboit losing my hair too. Thank you and good luck with your continuing treatments.

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I think if there are lymph nodes then there’s generally chemo. I’m assuming yours is ER+ if you’re having Tamoxifen. I had ER+ 8/8 HER2 -ve so it was mastectomy/chemo/radio/ovarian suppression and Tamoxifen. They’ll possibly let me have ovaries removed though to prevent me needing ovarian suppression which I’d prefer. I’m 43 so similar to you. Chemo has killed ovaries and, so far, the menopause but is fine. Helps when you have chemo making you feel rubbish as menopause seems like the easy bit! Apparently periods will come back though after chemo, hence the ovarian suppression. X