Teacup/Tricia 1979-2010

I/we are so sad and heartbroken posting this and I can’t believe I am writing this either.

Our lovely friend was very sadly taken from her family, friends and all of those who knew her in the early hours of this morning. She died peacefully, having fallen into a deep sleep on Saturday where she drifted off and never woke up again.

Tricia/Teacup was not only a friend to us - Dilys, Karen, Jo, Cecelia and lots of other ladies on BCC but to many others in Ireland where she lived and she was also a daughter, and a sibling and as one of her brother’s said, a very special sister at that.

She fought this cruel disease with dignity, positivity, energy and extreme determination such that she tried not to let it affect her life too much and take over.

Tricia - we will never forget you. Tricia, you, Dilys, Karen, Cecelia, Jo and myself followed a journey together over the last 2 1/2 years where we supported each other through a roller coaster ride. Your posts were always witty, enthusiastic and a joy to read. You were always full of optimism, and this together with your energy and love for life helped us all in a lot of ways to deal with this cruel disease. We cannot believe you are no longer here and we are devastated that you are no longer here.

We are thinking of Tricia’s family and friends today at this very sad time and really I have no more words to say - I wish I did but nothing I say seems adequate.

Thinking of Tricia’s family at this very sad time.

Ruby, and obo of Dilys, Jo, Karen and Cecelia

Hi, so sorry to hear this news, its so unfair. Thinking of both her friends and family.
take care

So very sorry to hear the news of Teacup passing.This is a disgusting disease and so very unfair.sincere condolences to all of Teacup,s friends and her family,

Take care all of you,

Love Ann x

Ruby we all loved Tricia/Teacup. You have said all we could say. Her courage, her humour, her sparkiness. She was a joy to know. And what a great family round her. She is a great loss to the world and although we “met” her her I am still so very sorry we didn’t meet in person. She will always be in our hearts. Ruby, Jo, Cecelia and Karen in particular. But I am sure there are many others. Never forgotten dear Teacup/Tricia.

I for one am devastated by her loss.

Love to all


So sorry to read this sad news. Such an awful disease. We lost a lady from our strand (hair loss) last summer and it is incredibly difficult to come to terms with.

My thoughts are with Teacup, her family and the ladies on your strand.

Victoria xx

How heartbreakingly sad to hear this news. All of Teacup’s ‘cyber friends’ must be so terribly sad, and as you wrote, Ruby, Tricia was also a daughter and a sibling, and horribly young to be lost.
Ruby what you wrote made me cry - it was a lovely tribute.
love to everyone
monica x

I remember Teacup, she had posted on secondaries a few times…I had absolutely no idea she was so young.
Too soon, too sad, my sincere condolences to all Teacup’s family and friends.

I am so sorry to hear this news… I was only reading an old thread at the weekend that Tricia had posted on and it is so shocking to hear that she has now gone…:frowning: Sending lots of love to family and friends.

Theresa x

What a wonderful tribute.I too had no idea that teacup was so young,far far too young to be taken by this disease.
My thoughts are with her family and friends.

On behalf of all on the BCC forums team I would like to send our sincere condolences to all of Teacup’s friends and family on hearing this very sad news.


Thanks Ruby for such a lovely tribute to our wonderful Teacup.

You have said it all about the kind of person she was, and how special she was to so many people.

I’m absolutely heartbroken that’s she’s been taken from us, and send love to her family, friends, partner and cyber friends.

Cecelia. x

hi, so sorry to hear your devastating news, love, prayers & thoughts with you at this time, xxx mardijane

It makes me so angry to hear of one so young dying of this disease - why is this still happening, when many seem to work so hard fund raising. Sometimes ~I despair.

I am so sorry for her family, friends and cyber friends.

Rest in peace Tricia

So sorry to hear of this news. My heart goes out to Tricia’s family, friends and everybody who knew her.

I have been coming on the site since May 2007 when I was diagnosed and so many of the ladies who were on the site then have passed away. So sad. xx

Liz xxxxx

Another beautiful, innocent life taken, this is so unfair. My condolences to all her friends and family. I feel the same as Celeste, when will they find a cure?


My sincerest condolences to all Tricia’s friends and family. She has obviously left a legacy of love.

Thanks to all who have posted so far. Nicky , you had it so right. What a legacy of love she leaves. She was just wonderful.

Much love


Thanks Ruby for this tribute to our lovely friend Teacup.

How grateful I am that we have all been together since 2007 when, I think, Teacup was the first to respond to Cecelia’s “Terrified” plea for help.
She will always be in my heart.


I am just so sad to hear this awful news about “teacup”. I kept looking for newer posts from her and just presumed that she was doing well so was not coming on to the thread so much. I am really upset about this news. What a dreadful 6 months it has been losing so many wonderful young women. My thoughts are with her family and friends. i just feel so so sad. Love from Val X

Today is Tricia/Teacup’s funeral.

Thinking of her family and friends on this very sad day and at this very sad time.

Tricia you will never be forgotten by your BCC friends.

I will forward everybody’s comments onto Tricia’s family in due course as I think they will really find comfort from reading them all.

Thank you.

Ruby xx